Submodules¶ module¶
- class Constants(*args, **kwargs)¶
Container that holds constants for a model.
- to_key_value_string(to_float=False)¶
Provides a key-value string from variable to constant value.
The key-value string format can be immediately used for storm or prism.
- Parameters
to_float – Should the constant value be casted into a float
- Returns
A string of the format var1=val1,…,varn=valn
- parse_constants_string(input_string)¶
Parses a key-value string
- Parameters
input_string –
- Returns module¶
- region_from_polygon(polygon, variables)¶
Compute formula representing polygon (Polygon, LineString or LinearRing).
Area will be considered at the rhs (ccw) of line segments.
- Parameters
polygon – Polygon, LineString or LinearRing, must be convex
- Returns
Formula s.t. points in polygon are satisfied.
- Return type
pycarl.Formula or pycarl.Constraint module¶
- class HyperRectangle(*intervals)¶
Defines a hyper-rectangle, that is the Cartisean product of intervals, i.e. the n-dimensional variant of a box.
- center()¶
- close()¶
- contains(point)¶
- Parameters
point – A Point
- Returns
True if inside, False otherwise
- classmethod cube(left_bound, right_bound, dimension, boundtype)¶
- Parameters
left_bound – lower bound for all intervals
right_bound – upper bound for all intervals
dimension – dimension of the created interval
boundtype – bound type for all bounds
- Returns
A hyperrectangle <left_bound, right_bound>^dimension (with adequate bounds)
- dimension()¶
- empty()¶
- classmethod from_extremal_points(point1, point2, boundtype)¶
Construct a hyperrectangle from two boundary points. :param point1: The first point. :param point2: The second point. :param boundtype: BoundType to use as bounds for the resulting HyperRectangle. :return: HyperRectangle.
- classmethod from_region_string(input_string, variables)¶
Constructs a hyperrectangle with dimensions according to the variable order.
- Returns
A HyperRectangle
- get_vertex(pick_min_bound)¶
Get the vertex that corresponds to the left/right bound for the ith parameter, depending on the argument :param pick_min_bound: Array indicating to take the min (True) or the max (False) :return:
- intersect(other)¶
Computes the intersection :return:
- is_closed()¶
Checks whether the hyperrectangle is closed in every dimension. :return: True iff all intervals are closed.
- non_empty_intersection(other)¶
- Returns
- setminus(other, dimension=0)¶
Does a setminus operation on hyperrectangles and returns a list with hyperrects covering the resulting area :param other: the other HyperRectangle :param dimension: dimension where to start the operation :return: a list of HyperRectangles
- size()¶
- Returns
The size of the hyperrectangle
- split_in_every_dimension()¶
Splits the hyperrectangle in every dimension
- Returns
The 2^n many hyperrectangles obtained by the split
- split_in_single_dimension(dimension)¶
- to_formula(variables)¶
Given list of variables, compute constraints
- Parameters
variables – Variables for each dimension
- Returns
A formula specifying the points inside the hyperrectangle
- Return type
pc.Constraint or pc.Formula
- to_region_string(variables)¶
Constructs a region string, as e.g. used by storm-pars :param variables: An ordered list of the variables :type variables: List[pycarl.Variable] :return:
- vertices()¶ module¶
- class Interval(left_value, left_bt, right_value, right_bt)¶
Interval class for arbitrary (constant) types. Construction from string is possible via string_to_interval
- center()¶
Gets the center of the interval.
- Returns
- close()¶
Create an interval with all bounds closed. Can not be called on unbounded intervals
- Returns
A new interval which has closed bounds instead.
- contains(pt)¶
Does the interval contain a specific point
- Parameters
pt – A value
- Returns
True if the value lies between the bounds.
- empty()¶
Does the interval contain any points.
- Returns
True, iff there exists a point in the interval.
- intersect(other)¶
Compute intersection between to intervals
- Parameters
other –
- Returns
- is_bounded()¶
Checks whether the interval is bounded
- Returns
The interval is bounded, if both the left and the right bound are not equal to infinity.
- is_closed()¶
Does the interval have closed bounds on both sides.
- Returns
True iff both bounds are closed.
- left_bound()¶
- left_bound_type()¶
- open()¶
Create an interval with all bounds open.
- Returns
A new interval which has open bounds instead
- right_bound()¶
- right_bound_type()¶
- setminus(other)¶
Compute the setminus of two rectangles
- Parameters
other –
- Returns
- split()¶
Split the interval in two equally large halfs. Can only be called on bounded intervals
- Returns
Two intervals, the first from the former left bound to (excluding) middle point (leftbound + rightbound)/2, the second from the middle point (including) till the former right bound
- width()¶
The width of the interval
- Returns
right bound - left bound, if bounded from both sides, and math.inf otherwise
- constraint_to_interval(input, internal_parse_func)¶
- create_embedded_closed_interval(interval, epsilon)¶
For an (half) open interval from l to r, create a closed interval [l+eps, r-eps].
- Parameters
interval – The interval which goes into the method
epsilon – An epsilon offset used to close.
- Returns
A closed interval.
- string_to_interval(input_str, internal_parse_func)¶
Parsing intervals
- Parameters
input_str – A string of the form [l,r] or (l,r) or the like.
internal_parse_func – the function to parse l and r, in case they are not -infty or infty, respectively
- Returns
An interval module¶
- class ModelType(value)¶
The type of a Markovian model.
- CTMC = 2¶
- DTMC = 0¶
- MA = 3¶
- MDP = 1¶
- is_continuous_time()¶
Checks whether the model type is continuous-time :param model_type: :return:
- model_is_nondeterministic(model_type)¶
Checks whether the model type is non-deterministic. :param model_type: :return: True, if the model type encodes a model with potential non-determinism. module¶ module¶
- class Monotonicity(value)¶
An enumeration.
- NEITHER = 2¶
- UNKNOWN = 3¶
- class Parameter(variable, interval)¶
Variable with an associated interval of allowable values.
- class ParameterOrder(iterable=(), /)¶
Class to represent on ordered list of parameters.
- get_parameter(name)¶
Return the parameter with the given name.
- get_parameter_bounds()¶
Computes a list of bounds ordered according to this ParameterOrder.
- instantiate(one_or_more_pointlikes)¶
Create ParameterInstantiation(s) from point-like objects.
Returns the same shape as the input, i.e., if the input is a single point-like object (i.e., iterable, hopefully of numbers), returns a single ParameterInstantiation; for a list of points, returns a list of ParameterInstantiations.
- make_intervals_closed(epsilon)¶
For several applications, we want to have an embedded closed interval
- Parameters
epsilon – How far from an open bound should the embedded interval-bound be away
- make_intervals_open()¶
- remove_parameter(parameter)¶
Remove parameter represented by a given variable.
- update_variables(variables)¶ module¶
- class Point(*args)¶
An n-dimensional point class.
- dimension()¶
The dimension of the point, e.g. the number of coordinates
- Returns
The number of entries
- distance(other)¶
Computes the (Euclidean) distance between this point and another point
- Parameters
other (Point) – Another n-dimensional point
- Returns
The Euclidean distance
- numerical_distance(other)¶
Computes the (Euclidean) distance between this point and another point, using floating point arithmetic
- Parameters
other (Point) – Another n-dimensional point
- Returns
- projection(dims)¶
Project the point onto the selected dimensions
- Parameters
dims – An iterable of dimensions to select
- Returns
A len(dims)-dimensional Point
- to_float()¶
- to_nice_rationals(ApproxType=<class ''>, approx_type_arg=16384)¶
Transfer the coordinates into rational numbers with smaller coefficients
- Parameters
ApproxType – The type of approximation to use
approx_type_arg – An argument for the approximation, typically some sort of precision of the approximation
- Returns
A point with slightly modified coordinates
- Return type module¶
- class Point(*args)¶
An n-dimensional point class.
- dimension()¶
The dimension of the point, e.g. the number of coordinates
- Returns
The number of entries
- distance(other)¶
Computes the (Euclidean) distance between this point and another point
- Parameters
other (Point) – Another n-dimensional point
- Returns
The Euclidean distance
- numerical_distance(other)¶
Computes the (Euclidean) distance between this point and another point, using floating point arithmetic
- Parameters
other (Point) – Another n-dimensional point
- Returns
- projection(dims)¶
Project the point onto the selected dimensions
- Parameters
dims – An iterable of dimensions to select
- Returns
A len(dims)-dimensional Point
- to_float()¶
- to_nice_rationals(ApproxType=<class ''>, approx_type_arg=16384)¶
Transfer the coordinates into rational numbers with smaller coefficients
- Parameters
ApproxType – The type of approximation to use
approx_type_arg – An argument for the approximation, typically some sort of precision of the approximation
- Returns
A point with slightly modified coordinates
- Return type module¶
- class Range(lower_bound, upper_bound, step_size)¶
A container similar to the Python native range construct, consisting of a lower bound, an upper bound and a step size
- values()¶
- Returns
A list with all values encoded by the range
- create_cartesian_product(ranges)¶
- Parameters
ranges – Iterable containing Range elements
- Returns
An iterator for the Cartesian product of the ranges.
- create_range_from_interval(interval, nr_samples, epsilon=0)¶
Given closed interval [l,h], generate a Range with nr_sample steps in this interval module¶
- class InexactRelation(value)¶
An enumeration.
- GEQ = 2¶
- GREATER = 3¶
- LEQ = 1¶
- LESS = 0¶
- class InstantiationResult(instantiation, result)¶
Class to represent a single sample. Maps a point (tuple of pycarl.Rational) to a value (pycarl.Rational).
- classmethod from_point(pt, res, parameters)¶
- Parameters
pt –
res –
parameters –
- Returns
- get_instantiation_point(parameters)¶
- Parameters
variable_order –
- Returns
- get_parameters()¶
- Returns
- property well_defined¶
- class InstantiationResultDict(*args, parameters=None)¶
Maintains a set of instantiations with their results.
- copy() → a shallow copy of D¶
- split(threshold)¶
Split given samples into separated sample dictionaries, where the value is either >= or < threshold or ill-defined.
- class ParameterInstantiation(*args, **kwargs)¶
Simple dictionary mapping from a Parameter to pycarl.Rational.
- distance(other)¶
Distance between two instantiations over the same parameters (in the same order)
- Parameters
other –
- Returns
The distance
- classmethod from_point(pt, parameters)¶
Construct ParameterInstantiation from Point and ParameterOrder
- Parameters
pt – Point of pycarl.Rational
parameters – ParameterOrder
- get_parameters()¶
- get_point(parameters)¶
Return the Point corresponding to this sample, given variable ordering provided as argument :param parameters: Must correspond to parameters of this sample point. :type parameters: Iterable[Parameter]
- numerical_distance(other)¶
- to_formula()¶
Given list of variables, compute constraints
- Parameters
variables – Variables for each dimension
- Returns
A formula specifying the points inside the hyperrectangle
- Return type
pc.Constraint or pc.Formula
- weighed_interpolation(sample1, sample2, threshold, fudge=0.0)¶
Interpolates between sample sample1 and sample2 to result in a point estimated close to the given threshold (by linear interpolation). Fudge allows to offset this point slightly either positively or negatively.
- Parameters
sample1 – Sample
sample2 – Sample
threshold (pycarl.Rational) – The value we are interested in
fudge (float) – Fraction of distance betwen both samples to fudge around
- Returns
tuple of pycarl.Rational if interpolated point, or None if the values are too close