

Before installing pycarl, make sure

  • Python 3 is available on your system. Pycarl does not work with python 2.

  • Storm’s fork of carl is available on your system.

  • (optional) in order to have full parsing capabilities, you additionally need carl-parser.


Users of Apple Silicon systems need to make sure that they are using an arm64 version of Python 3. You can find out using where python3 and file /your/path/to/python3.

Installation Steps

Virtual Environments

Virtual environments create isolated environments for your projects. This helps to keep your system clean, work with different versions of packages and different version of python. While it is not required, we recommend the use of such virtual environments. To get you started, we recommend this guide or this primer.

In short you can create a virtual environment env with:

$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3 env
$ source env/bin/activate

The last step activates the virtual environment. Whenever using the environment the console prompt is prefixed with (env).

Building pycarl

Clone pycarl into any suitable location:

$ git clone
$ cd pycarl

Build pycarl in develop mode using your favourite python distribution way of installing: e.g.:

$ python3 develop


$ pip install -ve .

Optional build arguments

The build step also takes optional arguments for a more advanced configuration of pycarl.

  • Specifying which carl library to use

    If you have multiple versions of carl or cmake is not able to find your carl version, you can specify the --carl-dir YOUR-PATH-TO-CARL flag in the build_ext step:

    $ python3 build_ext --carl-dir YOUR-PATH-TO-CARL develop
  • Disabling functionality

    If you want to disable certain functionality in pycarl from being built you can use the following flags:

    • --disable-cln to disable support for CLN numbers

    • --disable-parser to disable support for full parsing capabilities

  • Building pycarl in debug mode

    If you want to build pycarl in debug mode you can add the --debug flag in the build_ext step:

    $ python3 build_ext --debug develop
  • Setting number of build threads

    The build of pycarl uses all available cores per default. If you want to configure the number of threads manually you can specify the --jobs (or -j) flag:

    $ python3 build_ext --jobs 2 develop

Testing pycarl installation

After building, you can run the test files by either:

$ python test

or by invoking pytest directly with:

$ pip install pytest
$ py.test tests/

If you do not experience any issues, you can now use pycarl. To get started, follow the Getting Started, consult the test files in tests/ or the Pycarl API Reference (work in progress).