
Model:consensus v.1 (MDP)
Parameter(s)N = 6, K = 2
Property:disagree (prob-reach)
Invocation (dd)
/home/tq429871/storm/build/bin/storm --prism /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/mdp/consensus/consensus.6.prism --prop /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/mdp/consensus/consensus.props disagree --constants K=2 --engine dd --sylvan:maxmem 4096 --sylvan:threads 4 --timemem
Symbolic engine with Sylvan using 4GB memory
Return code:0
Relative Error:5.002261940508366e-05
Storm 1.6.2

Date: Sat Sep  5 20:52:09 2020
Command line arguments: --prism /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/mdp/consensus/consensus.6.prism --prop /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/mdp/consensus/consensus.props disagree --constants K=2 --engine dd '--sylvan:maxmem' 4096 '--sylvan:threads' 4 --timemem
Current working directory: /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks

Time for model input parsing: 0.003s.

Time for model construction: 0.450s.

Model type: 	MDP (symbolic)
States: 	1258240 (218 nodes)
Transitions: 	6236736 (7075 nodes)
Choices: 	5008128
Reward Models:  none
Variables: 	rows: 13 meta variables (24 DD variables), columns: 13 meta variables (24 DD variables), nondeterminism: 6 meta variables (6 DD variables)
Labels: 	6
   * deadlock -> 0 state(s) (1 nodes)
   * init -> 1 state(s) (25 nodes)
   * agree
   * all_coins_equal_0
   * all_coins_equal_1
   * finished

Model checking property "disagree": Pmax=? [F ("finished" & !("agree"))] ...
 WARN (SymbolicMinMaxLinearEquationSolver.cpp:45): Selected method is not supported for this solver, switching to value iteration.
 WARN (SymbolicMinMaxLinearEquationSolver.cpp:45): Selected method is not supported for this solver, switching to value iteration.
Result (for initial states): 0.3636265591
Time for model checking: 152.347s.

Performance statistics:
  * peak memory usage: 3873MB
  * CPU time: 603.622s
  * wallclock time: 152.817s