/home/tq429871/storm/build/bin/storm --jani /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/ctmc/philosophers/philosophers.20.jani --janiproperty MaxPrReachDeadlock --constants TIME_BOUND=1 --engine dd-to-sparse --bisimulation --sylvan:maxmem 4096 --sylvan:threads 4 --timemem
Symbolic bisimulation with sparse quotient and sylvan using 4GB memory
Storm 1.6.2
Date: Sat Sep 5 20:50:57 2020
Command line arguments: --jani /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/ctmc/philosophers/philosophers.20.jani --janiproperty MaxPrReachDeadlock --constants TIME_BOUND=1 --engine dd-to-sparse --bisimulation '--sylvan:maxmem' 4096 '--sylvan:threads' 4 --timemem
Current working directory: /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks
Time for model input parsing: 0.009s.
Time for model construction: 0.793s.
Model type: CTMC (symbolic)
States: 45239074 (342 nodes)
Transitions: 584892921 (2861 nodes)
Reward Models: none
Variables: rows: 81 meta variables (81 DD variables), columns: 81 meta variables (81 DD variables)
Labels: 3
* deadlock -> 0 state(s) (1 nodes)
* init -> 1 state(s) (82 nodes)
* deadl
BDD Unique table full, 67108832 of 67108864 buckets filled!
BDD Unique table full, 67108832 of 67108864 buckets filled!
ERROR: The program received signal 11 and will be aborted in 3s.
Received signal 11