
Model:embedded v.1 (CTMC)
Parameter(s)MAX_COUNT = 8, T = 12
Property:actuators (prob-reach)
Invocation (sound)
/home/tq429871/storm/build/bin/storm --prism /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/ctmc/embedded/embedded.prism --prop /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/ctmc/embedded/embedded.props actuators --constants MAX_COUNT=8,T=12 --prismcompat --sound --timemem
Sparse engine with sound model checking Use `--prismcompat` to ensure compatibility with prism benchmark.
Return code:0
Relative Error:9.431089403893704e-09
Storm 1.6.2

Date: Sat Sep  5 20:49:58 2020
Command line arguments: --prism /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/ctmc/embedded/embedded.prism --prop /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks/qcomp/benchmarks/ctmc/embedded/embedded.props actuators --constants 'MAX_COUNT=8,T=12' --prismcompat --sound --timemem
Current working directory: /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/tq429871/git/storm-qcomp-benchmarks

 WARN (Program.cpp:178): The input model is a CTMC, but uses probabilistic commands like they are used in PRISM. Consider rewriting the commands to use Markovian commands instead.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
Time for model input parsing: 0.003s.

 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
 WARN (Program.cpp:1277): The model uses synchronizing Markovian commands. This may lead to unexpected verification results, because of unclear semantics.
Time for model construction: 0.056s.

Model type: 	CTMC (sparse)
States: 	8034
Transitions: 	33564
Reward Models:  none
State Labels: 	4 labels
   * deadlock -> 0 item(s)
   * init -> 1 item(s)
   * down -> 5370 item(s)
   * fail_actuators -> 550 item(s)
Choice Labels: 	none

Model checking property "actuators": P=? [!("down") U "fail_actuators"] ...
Result (for initial states): 0.1053036548
Time for model checking: 0.696s.

Performance statistics:
  * peak memory usage: 32MB
  * CPU time: 0.788s
  * wallclock time: 0.759s