A Modern Probabilistic Model Checker
This is the complete list of members for storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType >, including all inherited members.
clearChoice(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState=0) | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
computeActionSupport(std::vector< uint64_t > const &nondeterministicChoiceIndicies) const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
getChoice(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState=0) const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
getMemoryStructure() const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
getNumberOfMemoryStates() const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
isChoiceSelected(BitVector const &selectedStates, uint64_t memoryState=0) const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
isDeterministicScheduler() const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
isDontCare(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint64_t memoryState=0) const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
isMemorylessScheduler() const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
isPartialScheduler() const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
printJsonToStream(std::ostream &out, std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Model< ValueType > > model=nullptr, bool skipUniqueChoices=false, bool skipDontCareStates=false) const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
printToStream(std::ostream &out, std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Model< ValueType > > model=nullptr, bool skipUniqueChoices=false, bool skipDontCareStates=false) const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
Scheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, boost::optional< storm::storage::MemoryStructure > const &memoryStructure=boost::none) | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
Scheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, boost::optional< storm::storage::MemoryStructure > &&memoryStructure) | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
setChoice(SchedulerChoice< ValueType > const &choice, uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState=0) | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
setDontCare(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState=0, bool setArbitraryChoice=true) | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | |
toValueType() const | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > | inline |
unSetDontCare(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState=0) | storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > |