3#include "storm-config.h"
typename PomdpType,
typename BeliefValueType>
9class BeliefMdpExplorer;
12namespace modelchecker {
typename ValueType>
77 template<
typename ValueType>
This class represents the settings for POMDP model checking.
static const std::string moduleName
bool isDynamicTriangulationModeSet() const
double getGapThresholdFactor() const
uint64_t getClippingGridResolution() const
Clipping Grid Resolution.
bool isStaticTriangulationModeSet() const
uint64_t getRefineStepLimit() const
double getGapThresholdInit() const
Controls how large the gap between known lower- and upper bounds at a beliefstate needs to be in orde...
double getObservationScoreThresholdInit() const
Controls which observations are refined.
virtual ~BeliefExplorationSettings()=default
Creates a new set of POMDP settings.
uint64_t getExplorationTimeLimit() const
double getOptimalChoiceValueThresholdFactor() const
uint64_t getSizeThresholdInit() const
The maximal number of newly expanded MDP states in a refinement step.
bool isUseClippingSet() const
Controls if (grid) clipping is to be used.
double getSizeThresholdFactor() const
double getRefinePrecision() const
double getOptimalChoiceValueThresholdInit() const
Controls whether "almost optimal" choices will be considered optimal.
void setValuesInOptionsStruct(storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelCheckerOptions< ValueType > &options) const
bool isStateEliminationCutoffSet() const
bool isNumericPrecisionSetFromDefault() const
Used to determine whether two beliefs are equal.
double getResolutionFactor() const
bool isCutZeroGapSet() const
double getObservationScoreThresholdFactor() const
uint64_t getResolutionInit() const
Discretization Resolution.
double getNumericPrecision() const
This is the base class of the settings for a particular module.
SettingsType const & getModule()
Get module.