This is the base class of the settings for a particular module.
This class represents the settings for parametric model checking.
bool isLinearToSimpleEnabled() const
Retrieves whether time-travelling should be enabled.
bool exportResultToFile() const
Retrieves whether the model checking result should be exported to a file.
Creates a new set of parametric model checking settings.
std::string exportResultPath() const
The path to a file location which should contain the model checking result.
bool isTimeTravellingEnabled() const
Retrieves whether time-travelling should be enabled.
bool isUseMonotonicitySet() const
Retrieves whether monotonicity should be used as preprocessing.
pars::utility::ParametricMode getOperationMode() const
In what operation mode should storm-pars run.
bool transformContinuousModel() const
Retrieves whether Continuous time models should be transformed to discrete time models.
static const std::string moduleName
bool hasOperationModeBeenSet() const
Has the operation mode (feasibility, verification, etc) been set?