| Pomdp (storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > const &transitionMatrix, storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling const &stateLabeling, std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > const &rewardModels=std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType >()) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Pomdp (storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > &&transitionMatrix, storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling &&stateLabeling, std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > &&rewardModels=std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType >()) |
| Constructs a model by moving the given data.
| Pomdp (storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &components, bool canonicFlag=false) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Pomdp (storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&components, bool canonicFlag=false) |
| Pomdp (Pomdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
Pomdp & | operator= (Pomdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
| Pomdp (Pomdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&other)=default |
Pomdp & | operator= (Pomdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&other)=default |
virtual void | printModelInformationToStream (std::ostream &out) const override |
| Prints information about the model to the specified stream.
uint32_t | getObservation (uint64_t state) const |
uint64_t | getNrObservations () const |
uint64_t | getMaxNrStatesWithSameObservation () const |
| Returns the number of hidden values, i.e.
std::vector< uint32_t > const & | getObservations () const |
void | updateObservations (std::vector< uint32_t > &&newObservations, bool preservesCanonicity) |
| Changes the observations to the given ones and updates redundant informations (like the number of observations) After calling this method, isCanonic() returns true iff (i) isCanonic() returned true before calling this method and (ii) preservesCanonicity was set to true.
std::vector< uint64_t > | getStatesWithObservation (uint32_t observation) const |
bool | hasObservationValuations () const |
storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations const & | getObservationValuations () const |
std::optional< storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations > const & | getOptionalObservationValuations () const |
bool | isCanonic () const |
void | setIsCanonic (bool newValue=true) |
virtual std::size_t | hash () const override |
virtual bool | isPartiallyObservable () const override |
| Mdp (storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > const &transitionMatrix, storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling const &stateLabeling, std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > const &rewardModels=std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType >(), ModelType type=ModelType::Mdp) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Mdp (storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > &&transitionMatrix, storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling &&stateLabeling, std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > &&rewardModels=std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType >(), ModelType type=ModelType::Mdp) |
| Constructs a model by moving the given data.
| Mdp (storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &components, ModelType type=ModelType::Mdp) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Mdp (storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&components, ModelType type=ModelType::Mdp) |
| Mdp (Mdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
Mdp & | operator= (Mdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
| Mdp (Mdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&other)=default |
Mdp & | operator= (Mdp< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&other)=default |
virtual | ~Mdp ()=default |
| NondeterministicModel (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &components) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| NondeterministicModel (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&components) |
virtual | ~NondeterministicModel ()=default |
std::vector< uint_fast64_t > const & | getNondeterministicChoiceIndices () const |
| Retrieves the vector indicating which matrix rows represent non-deterministic choices of a certain state.
uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfChoices (uint_fast64_t state) const |
virtual void | reduceToStateBasedRewards () override |
| Converts the transition rewards of all reward models to state-based rewards.
uint_fast64_t | getChoiceIndex (storm::storage::StateActionPair const &stateactPair) const |
| For a state/action pair, get the choice index referring to the state-action pair.
std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Model< ValueType, RewardModelType > > | applyScheduler (storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > const &scheduler, bool dropUnreachableStates=true, bool preserveModelType=false) const |
| Applies the given scheduler to this model.
virtual void | writeDotToStream (std::ostream &outStream, size_t maxWidthLabel=30, bool includeLabeling=true, storm::storage::BitVector const *subsystem=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *firstValue=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *secondValue=nullptr, std::vector< uint_fast64_t > const *stateColoring=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > const *colors=nullptr, std::vector< uint_fast64_t > *scheduler=nullptr, bool finalizeOutput=true) const override |
| Model (Model< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
Model & | operator= (Model< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
| Model (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &components) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Model (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&components) |
virtual | ~Model ()=default |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > | getBackwardTransitions () const |
| Retrieves the backward transition relation of the model, i.e.
virtual storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType >::const_rows | getRows (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const |
| Returns an object representing the matrix rows associated with the given state.
virtual uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfStates () const override |
| Returns the number of states of the model.
virtual uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfTransitions () const override |
| Returns the number of (non-zero) transitions of the model.
virtual uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfChoices () const override |
| Returns the number of choices ine the model.
storm::storage::BitVector const & | getInitialStates () const |
| Retrieves the initial states of the model.
void | setInitialStates (storm::storage::BitVector const &states) |
| Overwrites the initial states of the model.
storm::storage::BitVector const & | getStates (std::string const &label) const |
| Returns the sets of states labeled with the given label.
bool | hasLabel (std::string const &label) const |
| Retrieves whether the given label is a valid label in this model.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > const & | getTransitionMatrix () const |
| Retrieves the matrix representing the transitions of the model.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > & | getTransitionMatrix () |
| Retrieves the matrix representing the transitions of the model.
std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > const & | getRewardModels () const |
| Retrieves the reward models.
std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > & | getRewardModels () |
| Retrieves the reward models.
virtual bool | hasRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) const override |
| Retrieves whether the model has a reward model with the given name.
RewardModelType const & | getRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) const |
| Retrieves the reward model with the given name, if one exists.
RewardModelType & | getRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) |
| Retrieves the reward model with the given name, if one exists.
RewardModelType const & | getUniqueRewardModel () const |
| Retrieves the unique reward model, if there exists exactly one.
RewardModelType & | getUniqueRewardModel () |
| Retrieves the unique reward model, if there exists exactly one.
virtual bool | hasUniqueRewardModel () const override |
| Retrieves whether the model has a unique reward model.
virtual std::string const & | getUniqueRewardModelName () const override |
| Retrieves the name of the unique reward model, if there exists exactly one.
bool | hasRewardModel () const |
| Retrieves whether the model has at least one reward model.
uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfRewardModels () const |
| Retrieves the number of reward models associated with this model.
void | addRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName, RewardModelType const &rewModel) |
| Adds a reward model to the model.
bool | removeRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) |
| Removes the reward model with the given name from the model.
void | restrictRewardModels (std::set< std::string > const &keptRewardModels) |
| Removes all reward models whose name is not in the given set.
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling const & | getStateLabeling () const |
| Returns the state labeling associated with this model.
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling & | getStateLabeling () |
| Returns the state labeling associated with this model.
bool | hasChoiceLabeling () const |
| Retrieves whether this model has a labeling of the choices.
storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling const & | getChoiceLabeling () const |
| Retrieves the labels for the choices of the model.
std::optional< storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling > const & | getOptionalChoiceLabeling () const |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice labeling if there is one.
std::optional< storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling > & | getOptionalChoiceLabeling () |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice labeling if there is one.
bool | hasStateValuations () const |
| Retrieves whether this model was build with state valuations.
storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations const & | getStateValuations () const |
| Retrieves the valuations of the states of the model.
std::optional< storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations > const & | getOptionalStateValuations () const |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the state valuations if there are some.
std::optional< storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations > & | getOptionalStateValuations () |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the state valuations if there are some.
bool | hasChoiceOrigins () const |
| Retrieves whether this model was build with choice origins.
std::shared_ptr< storm::storage::sparse::ChoiceOrigins > const & | getChoiceOrigins () const |
| Retrieves the origins of the choices of the model.
std::optional< std::shared_ptr< storm::storage::sparse::ChoiceOrigins > > const & | getOptionalChoiceOrigins () const |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice origins if there are some.
std::optional< std::shared_ptr< storm::storage::sparse::ChoiceOrigins > > & | getOptionalChoiceOrigins () |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice origins if there are some.
bool | isSinkState (uint64_t sink) const |
virtual void | writeDotToStream (std::ostream &outStream, size_t maxWidthLabel=30, bool includeLabeling=true, storm::storage::BitVector const *subsystem=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *firstValue=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *secondValue=nullptr, std::vector< uint64_t > const *stateColoring=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > const *colors=nullptr, std::vector< uint_fast64_t > *scheduler=nullptr, bool finalizeOutput=true) const |
| Exports the model to the dot-format and prints the result to the given stream.
virtual void | writeJsonToStream (std::ostream &outStream) const |
| Writes a JSON representation of the model to the given stream.
std::set< std::string > | getLabelsOfState (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const |
| Retrieves the set of labels attached to the given state.
virtual bool | isSparseModel () const override |
| Checks whether the model is a sparse model.
virtual bool | supportsParameters () const override |
| Checks whether the model supports parameters.
virtual bool | hasParameters () const override |
| Checks whether the model has parameters.
virtual bool | isExact () const override |
| Checks whether the model is exact.
virtual bool | supportsUncertainty () const |
| Does it support uncertainty (e.g., via interval-valued entries).
virtual bool | hasUncertainty () const |
| Checks whether the model actually is uncertain, i.e., whether there is a non-singleton transition relation.
void | writeJsonToStream (std::ostream &) const |
| Model (ModelType const &modelType) |
| Constructs a model of the given type.
| ModelBase (ModelType const &modelType) |
| Constructs a model of the given type.
virtual | ~ModelBase () |
template<typename ModelType > |
std::shared_ptr< ModelType > | as () |
| Casts the model into the model type given by the template parameter.
template<typename ModelType > |
std::shared_ptr< ModelType const > | as () const |
| Casts the model into the model type given by the template parameter.
virtual ModelType | getType () const |
| Return the actual type of the model.
virtual bool | isSymbolicModel () const |
| Checks whether the model is a symbolic model.
bool | isOfType (storm::models::ModelType const &modelType) const |
| Checks whether the model is of the given type.
bool | isNondeterministicModel () const |
| Returns true if the model is a nondeterministic model.
bool | isDiscreteTimeModel () const |
| Returns true if the model is a descrete-time model.