9#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
10#include <boost/optional.hpp>
11#include <boost/range/irange.hpp>
typename ValueType>
typename IndexType,
typename ValueType>
59 MatrixEntry(std::pair<index_type, value_type>&& pair);
114 template<
typename IndexTypePrime,
typename ValueTypePrime>
119 std::pair<index_type, value_type> entry;
typename IndexType,
typename ValueType>
127 std::size_t seed = 0;
128 boost::hash_combine(seed, matrixEntry.
129 boost::hash_combine(seed, matrixEntry.
typename ValueType>
254 bool initialRowCountSet;
260 bool initialColumnCountSet;
266 bool initialEntryCountSet;
272 bool forceInitialDimensions;
275 bool hasCustomRowGrouping;
278 bool initialRowGroupCountSet;
284 boost::optional<std::vector<index_type>> rowGroupIndices;
287 std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>> columnsAndValues;
293 std::vector<index_type> rowIndications;
314 boost::optional<ValueType> pendingDiagonalEntry;
typename ValueType>
486 boost::optional<std::vector<index_type>>&& rowGroupIndices);
876 std::pair<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<value_type>, std::vector<value_type>>
887 template<
typename OtherValueType,
typename ResultValueType = OtherValueType>
900 template<
typename OtherValueType,
typename ResultValueType = OtherValueType>
911 void multiplyWithVector(std::vector<value_type>
const& vector, std::vector<value_type>& result, std::vector<value_type>
const* summand =
914 std::vector<value_type>
const* summand =
916 std::vector<value_type>
const* summand =
918 void multiplyWithVectorParallel(std::vector<value_type>
const& vector, std::vector<value_type>& result,
919 std::vector<value_type>
const* summand =
937 std::vector<ValueType>
const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices)
940 std::vector<ValueType>
const& vector, std::vector<ValueType>
const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result,
941 std::vector<uint64_t>* choices)
942 template<
typename Compare>
943 void multiplyAndReduceForward(std::vector<uint64_t>
const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>
const& vector, std::vector<ValueType>
const* summand,
944 std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices)
947 std::vector<ValueType>
const& vector, std::vector<ValueType>
const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result,
948 std::vector<uint64_t>* choices)
949 template<
typename Compare>
950 void multiplyAndReduceBackward(std::vector<uint64_t>
const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>
const& vector, std::vector<ValueType>
const* b,
951 std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices)
954 std::vector<ValueType>
const& vector, std::vector<ValueType>
const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result,
955 std::vector<uint64_t>* choices)
956 template<
typename Compare>
957 void multiplyAndReduceParallel(std::vector<uint64_t>
const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>
const& vector, std::vector<ValueType>
const* b,
958 std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices)
1013 void performWalkerChaeStep(std::vector<ValueType>
const& x, std::vector<ValueType>
const& columnSums, std::vector<ValueType>
const& b,
1014 std::vector<ValueType>
const& ax, std::vector<ValueType>& result)
1051 template<
typename OtherValueType>
1057 template<
typename TPrime>
1078 std::size_t
1209 template<
typename NewValueType>
1211 std::vector<MatrixEntry<SparseMatrix::index_type, NewValueType>> newColumnsAndValues;
1212 std::vector<SparseMatrix::index_type> newRowIndications(rowIndications);
1213 boost::optional<std::vector<SparseMatrix::index_type>> newRowGroupIndices(rowGroupIndices);
1215 newColumnsAndValues.resize(columnsAndValues.size());
1218 return MatrixEntry<SparseMatrix::index_type, NewValueType>(a.getColumn(), storm::utility::convertNumber<NewValueType, ValueType>(a.getValue()));
1221 return SparseMatrix<NewValueType>(columnCount, std::move(newRowIndications), std::move(newColumnsAndValues), std::move(newRowGroupIndices));
1238 std::vector<index_type>
const& rowGroupIndices,
bool insertDiagonalEntries =
1254 std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>> columnsAndValues;
1260 std::vector<index_type> rowIndications;
1264 bool trivialRowGrouping;
1267 mutable boost::optional<std::vector<index_type>> rowGroupIndices;
A bit vector that is internally represented as a vector of 64-bit values.
MatrixEntry operator*(value_type factor) const
Multiplies the entry with the given factor and returns the result.
value_type const & getValue() const
Retrieves the value of the matrix entry.
std::pair< index_type, value_type > const & getColumnValuePair() const
Retrieves a pair of column and value that characterizes this entry.
MatrixEntry(MatrixEntry &&other)=default
void setColumn(index_type const &column)
Sets the column of the current entry.
MatrixEntry(MatrixEntry const &other)=default
index_type const & getColumn() const
Retrieves the column of the matrix entry.
bool operator!=(MatrixEntry const &other) const
void setValue(value_type const &value)
Sets the value of the entry in the matrix.
MatrixEntry & operator=(MatrixEntry &&other)=default
MatrixEntry & operator=(MatrixEntry const &other)=default
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, MatrixEntry< IndexTypePrime, ValueTypePrime > const &entry)
bool operator==(MatrixEntry const &other) const
This class represents a number of consecutive rows of the matrix.
const_iterator end() const
Retrieves an iterator that points past the last entry of the rows.
index_type getNumberOfEntries() const
Retrieves the number of entries in the rows.
const_iterator begin() const
Retrieves an iterator that points to the beginning of the rows.
This class represents a number of consecutive rows of the matrix.
iterator end()
Retrieves an iterator that points past the last entry of the rows.
iterator begin()
Retrieves an iterator that points to the beginning of the rows.
index_type getNumberOfEntries() const
Retrieves the number of entries in the rows.
A class that can be used to build a sparse matrix by adding value by value.
index_type getCurrentRowGroupCount() const
Retrieves the current row group count.
index_type getLastRow() const
Retrieves the most recently used row.
void addNextValue(index_type row, index_type column, value_type const &value)
Sets the matrix entry at the given row and column to the given value.
void replaceColumns(std::vector< index_type > const &replacements, index_type offset)
Replaces all columns with id > offset according to replacements.
SparseMatrixIndexType index_type
void newRowGroup(index_type startingRow)
Starts a new row group in the matrix.
index_type getLastColumn() const
Retrieves the most recently used row.
void addDiagonalEntry(index_type row, ValueType const &value)
Makes sure that a diagonal entry will be inserted at the given row.
SparseMatrix< value_type > build(index_type overriddenRowCount=0, index_type overriddenColumnCount=0, index_type overriddenRowGroupCount=0)
A class that holds a possibly non-square matrix in the compressed row storage format.
void divideRowsInPlace(std::vector< value_type > const &divisors)
Divides each row of the matrix, i.e., divides each element in row i with divisors[i].
void convertToEquationSystem()
Transforms the matrix into an equation system.
Constructs an empty sparse matrix.
void swapRows(index_type const &row1, index_type const &row2)
Swaps the two rows.
bool operator==(SparseMatrix< value_type > const &other) const
Determines whether the current and the given matrix are semantically equal.
const_rows getRow(index_type row) const
Returns an object representing the given row.
index_type getSizeOfLargestRowGroup() const
Returns the size of the largest row group of the matrix.
SparseMatrix selectRowsFromRowGroups(std::vector< index_type > const &rowGroupToRowIndexMapping, bool insertDiagonalEntries=true) const
Selects exactly one row from each row group of this matrix and returns the resulting matrix.
void multiplyWithVectorForward(std::vector< value_type > const &vector, std::vector< value_type > &result, std::vector< value_type > const *summand=nullptr) const
index_type getEntryCount() const
Returns the number of entries in the matrix.
const_rows getRows(index_type startRow, index_type endRow) const
Returns an object representing the consecutive rows given by the parameters.
index_type getNonconstantEntryCount() const
Returns the number of non-constant entries.
void multiplyVectorWithMatrix(std::vector< value_type > const &vector, std::vector< value_type > &result) const
Multiplies the vector to the matrix from the left and writes the result to the given result vector.
void multiplyAndReduceBackward(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const &dir, std::vector< uint64_t > const &rowGroupIndices, std::vector< ValueType > const &vector, std::vector< ValueType > const *b, std::vector< ValueType > &result, std::vector< uint64_t > *choices) const
index_type getNumRowsInRowGroups(storm::storage::BitVector const &groupConstraint) const
Returns the total number of rows that are in one of the specified row groups.
void makeRowsAbsorbing(storm::storage::BitVector const &rows, bool dropZeroEntries=false)
This function makes the given rows absorbing.
std::vector< ResultValueType > getPointwiseProductRowSumVector(storm::storage::SparseMatrix< OtherValueType > const &otherMatrix) const
Performs a pointwise matrix multiplication of the matrix with the given matrix and returns a vector c...
void multiplyWithVector(std::vector< value_type > const &vector, std::vector< value_type > &result, std::vector< value_type > const *summand=nullptr) const
Multiplies the matrix with the given vector and writes the result to the given result vector.
void updateNonzeroEntryCount() const
Recompute the nonzero entry count.
bool isProbabilistic() const
Checks for each row whether it sums to one.
void multiplyWithVectorBackward(std::vector< value_type > const &vector, std::vector< value_type > &result, std::vector< value_type > const *summand=nullptr) const
SparseMatrix getSubmatrix(bool useGroups, storm::storage::BitVector const &rowConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const &columnConstraint, bool insertDiagonalEntries=false, storm::storage::BitVector const &makeZeroColumns=storm::storage::BitVector()) const
Creates a submatrix of the current matrix by dropping all rows and columns whose bits are not set to ...
void performWalkerChaeStep(std::vector< ValueType > const &x, std::vector< ValueType > const &columnSums, std::vector< ValueType > const &b, std::vector< ValueType > const &ax, std::vector< ValueType > &result) const
Performs one step of the Walker-Chae technique.
void updateDimensions() const
Recomputes the number of columns and the number of non-zero entries.
void printAsMatlabMatrix(std::ostream &out) const
Prints the matrix in a dense format, as also used by e.g.
void performSuccessiveOverRelaxationStep(ValueType omega, std::vector< ValueType > &x, std::vector< ValueType > const &b) const
Performs one step of the successive over-relaxation technique.
std::vector< value_type > getConstrainedRowSumVector(storm::storage::BitVector const &rowConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const &columnConstraint) const
Computes a vector whose i-th entry is the sum of the entries in the i-th selected row where only thos...
BitVector duplicateRowsInRowgroups() const
Finds duplicate rows in a rowgroup.
bool compareRows(index_type i1, index_type i2) const
Compares two rows.
const_rows getRowGroup(index_type rowGroup) const
Returns an object representing the given row group.
SparseMatrix permuteRows(std::vector< index_type > const &inversePermutation) const
Permute rows of the matrix according to the vector.
void setRowGroupIndices(std::vector< index_type > const &newRowGroupIndices)
Sets the row grouping to the given one.
void negateAllNonDiagonalEntries()
Negates (w.r.t.
const_iterator begin() const
Retrieves an iterator that points to the beginning of the first row of the matrix.
std::vector< index_type > swapRowGroupIndices(std::vector< index_type > &&newRowGrouping)
Swaps the grouping of rows of this matrix.
SparseMatrix restrictRows(storm::storage::BitVector const &rowsToKeep, bool allowEmptyRowGroups=false) const
Restrict rows in grouped rows matrix.
std::vector< ValueType > getRowSumVector() const
Sums the entries in all rows.
friend class storm::adapters::StormAdapter
SparseMatrix< NewValueType > toValueType() const
Returns a copy of the matrix with the chosen internal data type.
value_type multiplyRowWithVector(index_type row, std::vector< value_type > const &vector) const
Multiplies a single row of the matrix with the given vector and returns the result.
An enum representing the internal state of the matrix.
SparseMatrix< ValueType > transposeSelectedRowsFromRowGroups(std::vector< uint64_t > const &rowGroupChoices, bool keepZeros=false) const
Transposes the matrix w.r.t.
void multiplyAndReduceForward(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const &dir, std::vector< uint64_t > const &rowGroupIndices, std::vector< ValueType > const &vector, std::vector< ValueType > const *b, std::vector< ValueType > &result, std::vector< uint64_t > *choices) const
value_type getRowSum(index_type row) const
Computes the sum of the entries in a given row.
SparseMatrix permuteRowGroupsAndColumns(std::vector< index_type > const &inverseRowGroupPermutation, std::vector< index_type > const &columnPermutation) const
Permutes row groups and columns of the matrix according to the given permutations.
void multiplyAndReduce(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const &dir, std::vector< uint64_t > const &rowGroupIndices, std::vector< ValueType > const &vector, std::vector< ValueType > const *summand, std::vector< ValueType > &result, std::vector< uint64_t > *choices) const
Multiplies the matrix with the given vector, reduces it according to the given direction and and writ...
index_type getRowGroupCount() const
Returns the number of row groups in the matrix.
void dropZeroEntries()
Removes all zero entries from this.
bool isSubmatrixOf(SparseMatrix< OtherValueType > const &matrix) const
Checks if the current matrix is a submatrix of the given matrix, where a matrix A is called a submatr...
ResultValueType getPointwiseProductRowSum(storm::storage::SparseMatrix< OtherValueType > const &otherMatrix, index_type const &row) const
Performs a pointwise multiplication of the entries in the given row of this matrix and the entries of...
SparseMatrix< value_type > & operator=(SparseMatrix< value_type > const &other)
Assigns the contents of the given matrix to the current one by deep-copying its contents.
void makeRowGroupsAbsorbing(storm::storage::BitVector const &rowGroupConstraint, bool dropZeroEntries=false)
This function makes the groups of rows given by the bit vector absorbing.
std::string getDimensionsAsString() const
Returns a string describing the dimensions of the matrix.
index_type getColumnCount() const
Returns the number of columns of the matrix.
std::pair< storm::storage::SparseMatrix< value_type >, std::vector< value_type > > getJacobiDecomposition() const
Calculates the Jacobi decomposition of this sparse matrix.
void makeRowDirac(index_type row, index_type column, bool dropZeroEntries=false)
This function makes the given row Dirac.
std::vector< MatrixEntry< index_type, value_type > >::const_iterator const_iterator
value_type getConstrainedRowSum(index_type row, storm::storage::BitVector const &columns) const
Sums the entries in the given row and columns.
void deleteDiagonalEntries(bool dropZeroEntries=false)
Sets all diagonal elements to zero.
bool hasTrivialRowGrouping() const
Retrieves whether the matrix has a trivial row grouping.
void invertDiagonal()
Inverts all entries on the diagonal, i.e.
storm::storage::BitVector getRowGroupFilter(storm::storage::BitVector const &rowConstraint, bool setIfForAllRowsInGroup) const
Returns the indices of all row groups selected by the row constraints.
void makeRowGroupingTrivial()
Makes the row grouping of this matrix trivial.
SparseMatrix selectRowsFromRowIndexSequence(std::vector< index_type > const &rowIndexSequence, bool insertDiagonalEntries=true) const
Selects the rows that are given by the sequence of row indices, allowing to select rows arbitrarily o...
std::size_t hash() const
Calculates a hash value over all values contained in the matrix.
std::vector< index_type > const & getRowGroupIndices() const
Returns the grouping of rows of this matrix.
std::vector< MatrixEntry< index_type, value_type > >::iterator iterator
bool isIdentityMatrix() const
index_type getRowGroupSize(index_type group) const
Returns the size of the given row group.
std::vector< value_type > getConstrainedRowGroupSumVector(storm::storage::BitVector const &rowGroupConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const &columnConstraint) const
Computes a vector whose entries represent the sums of selected columns for all rows in selected row g...
storm::storage::SparseMatrix< value_type > transpose(bool joinGroups=false, bool keepZeros=false) const
Transposes the matrix.
bool hasOnlyPositiveEntries() const
Checks whether each present entry is strictly positive (omitted entries are not considered).
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, SparseMatrix< TPrime > const &matrix)
index_type getRowCount() const
Returns the number of rows of the matrix.
SparseMatrixIndexType index_type
index_type getNonzeroEntryCount() const
Returns the cached number of nonzero entries in the matrix.
const_iterator end() const
Retrieves an iterator that points past the end of the last row of the matrix.
index_type getNonconstantRowGroupCount() const
Returns the number of rowGroups that contain a non-constant value.
void scaleRowsInPlace(std::vector< value_type > const &factors)
Scales each row of the matrix, i.e., multiplies each element in row i with factors[i].
index_type getRowGroupEntryCount(index_type const group) const
Returns the number of entries in the given row group of the matrix.
storm::storage::BitVector getRowFilter(storm::storage::BitVector const &groupConstraint) const
Returns a bitvector representing the set of rows, with all indices set that correspond to one of the ...
SparseMatrix filterEntries(storm::storage::BitVector const &rowFilter) const
Returns a copy of this matrix that only considers entries in the selected rows.
std::size_t hash_value(MatrixEntry< IndexType, ValueType > const &matrixEntry)
Computes the hash value of a matrix entry.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type SparseMatrixIndexType