9namespace modelchecker {
typename ValueType, storm::models::ModelRepresentation ModelRepresentation>
114 boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> _optimizationDirection;
115 boost::optional<std::pair<storm::logic::ComparisonType, ValueType>> _valueThreshold;
116 bool _produceScheduler;
117 bool _isQualitativeSet;
Helper class for solving a model checking query.
Helper for model checking queries where we are interested in (optimizing) a single value per state.
storm::logic::ComparisonType const & getValueThresholdComparisonType() const
void setValueThreshold(storm::logic::ComparisonType const &comparisonType, ValueType const &thresholdValue)
Sets a goal threshold for the value at each state.
bool isQualitativeSet() const
bool isOptimizationDirectionSet() const
void clearOptimizationDirection()
Clears the optimization direction if it was set before.
ValueType const & getValueThresholdValue() const
void setQualitative(bool value)
Sets whether the property needs to be checked qualitatively.
void setProduceScheduler(bool value)
Sets whether an optimal scheduler shall be constructed during the computation.
bool isProduceSchedulerSet() const
boost::optional< storm::solver::OptimizationDirection > getOptionalOptimizationDirection() const
storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const & getOptimizationDirection() const
void setOptimizationDirection(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const &direction)
Sets the optimization direction, i.e., whether we want to minimize or maximize the value for each sta...
bool isValueThresholdSet() const
void clearValueThreshold()
Clears the valueThreshold if it was set before.