27 PrismChoiceOrigins(std::shared_ptr<storm::prism::Program const>
const& prismProgram, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>
const& indexToIdentifierMapping,
28 std::vector<CommandSet>
const& identifierToCommandSetMapping);
29 PrismChoiceOrigins(std::shared_ptr<storm::prism::Program const>
const& prismProgram, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>&& indexToIdentifierMapping,
30 std::vector<CommandSet>&& identifierToCommandSetMapping);
53 std::size_t
const override;
71 std::shared_ptr<storm::prism::Program const>
This class represents the origin of the choices of a model in terms of the input model specification ...
This class represents for each choice the set of prism commands that induced the choice.
virtual void computeIdentifierInfos() const override
virtual uint_fast64_t getNumberOfIdentifiers() const override
virtual void computeIdentifierJson() const override
CommandSet const & getCommandSet(uint_fast64_t choiceIndex) const
virtual bool isPrismChoiceOrigins() const override
virtual ~PrismChoiceOrigins()=default
storm::prism::Program const & getProgram() const
virtual std::shared_ptr< ChoiceOrigins > cloneWithNewIndexToIdentifierMapping(std::vector< uint_fast64_t > &&indexToIdentifierMapping) const override
std::shared_ptr< storm::prism::Program const > program
std::vector< CommandSet > identifierToCommandSet
storm::storage::FlatSet< uint_fast64_t > CommandSet
std::size_t hash() const override
boost::container::flat_set< Key, std::less< Key >, boost::container::new_allocator< Key > > FlatSet
Redefinition of flat_set was needed, because from Boost 1.70 on the default allocator is set to void.