| Dtmc (storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > const &transitionMatrix, storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling const &stateLabeling, std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > const &rewardModels=std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType >()) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Dtmc (storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > &&transitionMatrix, storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling &&stateLabeling, std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > &&rewardModels=std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType >()) |
| Constructs a model by moving the given data.
| Dtmc (storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &components) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Dtmc (storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&components) |
| Dtmc (Dtmc< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &dtmc)=default |
Dtmc & | operator= (Dtmc< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &dtmc)=default |
| Dtmc (Dtmc< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&dtmc)=default |
Dtmc & | operator= (Dtmc< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&dtmc)=default |
virtual | ~Dtmc ()=default |
virtual void | reduceToStateBasedRewards () override |
| Converts the transition rewards of all reward models to state-based rewards.
| DeterministicModel (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &components) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| DeterministicModel (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&components) |
| DeterministicModel (DeterministicModel< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
DeterministicModel & | operator= (DeterministicModel< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
| DeterministicModel (DeterministicModel< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&other)=default |
DeterministicModel< ValueType, RewardModelType > & | operator= (DeterministicModel< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&model)=default |
virtual | ~DeterministicModel ()=default |
virtual void | writeDotToStream (std::ostream &outStream, size_t maxWidthLabel=30, bool includeLabeling=true, storm::storage::BitVector const *subsystem=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *firstValue=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *secondValue=nullptr, std::vector< uint_fast64_t > const *stateColoring=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > const *colors=nullptr, std::vector< uint_fast64_t > *scheduler=nullptr, bool finalizeOutput=true) const override |
| Model (Model< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
Model & | operator= (Model< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &other)=default |
| Model (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > const &components) |
| Constructs a model from the given data.
| Model (ModelType modelType, storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents< ValueType, RewardModelType > &&components) |
virtual | ~Model ()=default |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > | getBackwardTransitions () const |
| Retrieves the backward transition relation of the model, i.e.
virtual storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType >::const_rows | getRows (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const |
| Returns an object representing the matrix rows associated with the given state.
virtual uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfStates () const override |
| Returns the number of states of the model.
virtual uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfTransitions () const override |
| Returns the number of (non-zero) transitions of the model.
virtual uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfChoices () const override |
| Returns the number of choices ine the model.
storm::storage::BitVector const & | getInitialStates () const |
| Retrieves the initial states of the model.
void | setInitialStates (storm::storage::BitVector const &states) |
| Overwrites the initial states of the model.
storm::storage::BitVector const & | getStates (std::string const &label) const |
| Returns the sets of states labeled with the given label.
bool | hasLabel (std::string const &label) const |
| Retrieves whether the given label is a valid label in this model.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > const & | getTransitionMatrix () const |
| Retrieves the matrix representing the transitions of the model.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > & | getTransitionMatrix () |
| Retrieves the matrix representing the transitions of the model.
std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > const & | getRewardModels () const |
| Retrieves the reward models.
std::unordered_map< std::string, RewardModelType > & | getRewardModels () |
| Retrieves the reward models.
virtual bool | hasRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) const override |
| Retrieves whether the model has a reward model with the given name.
RewardModelType const & | getRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) const |
| Retrieves the reward model with the given name, if one exists.
RewardModelType & | getRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) |
| Retrieves the reward model with the given name, if one exists.
RewardModelType const & | getUniqueRewardModel () const |
| Retrieves the unique reward model, if there exists exactly one.
RewardModelType & | getUniqueRewardModel () |
| Retrieves the unique reward model, if there exists exactly one.
virtual bool | hasUniqueRewardModel () const override |
| Retrieves whether the model has a unique reward model.
virtual std::string const & | getUniqueRewardModelName () const override |
| Retrieves the name of the unique reward model, if there exists exactly one.
bool | hasRewardModel () const |
| Retrieves whether the model has at least one reward model.
uint_fast64_t | getNumberOfRewardModels () const |
| Retrieves the number of reward models associated with this model.
void | addRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName, RewardModelType const &rewModel) |
| Adds a reward model to the model.
bool | removeRewardModel (std::string const &rewardModelName) |
| Removes the reward model with the given name from the model.
void | restrictRewardModels (std::set< std::string > const &keptRewardModels) |
| Removes all reward models whose name is not in the given set.
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling const & | getStateLabeling () const |
| Returns the state labeling associated with this model.
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling & | getStateLabeling () |
| Returns the state labeling associated with this model.
bool | hasChoiceLabeling () const |
| Retrieves whether this model has a labeling of the choices.
storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling const & | getChoiceLabeling () const |
| Retrieves the labels for the choices of the model.
std::optional< storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling > const & | getOptionalChoiceLabeling () const |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice labeling if there is one.
std::optional< storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling > & | getOptionalChoiceLabeling () |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice labeling if there is one.
bool | hasStateValuations () const |
| Retrieves whether this model was build with state valuations.
storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations const & | getStateValuations () const |
| Retrieves the valuations of the states of the model.
std::optional< storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations > const & | getOptionalStateValuations () const |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the state valuations if there are some.
std::optional< storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations > & | getOptionalStateValuations () |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the state valuations if there are some.
bool | hasChoiceOrigins () const |
| Retrieves whether this model was build with choice origins.
std::shared_ptr< storm::storage::sparse::ChoiceOrigins > const & | getChoiceOrigins () const |
| Retrieves the origins of the choices of the model.
std::optional< std::shared_ptr< storm::storage::sparse::ChoiceOrigins > > const & | getOptionalChoiceOrigins () const |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice origins if there are some.
std::optional< std::shared_ptr< storm::storage::sparse::ChoiceOrigins > > & | getOptionalChoiceOrigins () |
| Retrieves an optional value that contains the choice origins if there are some.
virtual void | printModelInformationToStream (std::ostream &out) const override |
| Prints information about the model to the specified stream.
bool | isSinkState (uint64_t sink) const |
virtual void | writeDotToStream (std::ostream &outStream, size_t maxWidthLabel=30, bool includeLabeling=true, storm::storage::BitVector const *subsystem=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *firstValue=nullptr, std::vector< ValueType > const *secondValue=nullptr, std::vector< uint64_t > const *stateColoring=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > const *colors=nullptr, std::vector< uint_fast64_t > *scheduler=nullptr, bool finalizeOutput=true) const |
| Exports the model to the dot-format and prints the result to the given stream.
virtual void | writeJsonToStream (std::ostream &outStream) const |
| Writes a JSON representation of the model to the given stream.
std::set< std::string > | getLabelsOfState (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const |
| Retrieves the set of labels attached to the given state.
virtual bool | isSparseModel () const override |
| Checks whether the model is a sparse model.
virtual bool | supportsParameters () const override |
| Checks whether the model supports parameters.
virtual bool | hasParameters () const override |
| Checks whether the model has parameters.
virtual bool | isExact () const override |
| Checks whether the model is exact.
virtual bool | supportsUncertainty () const |
| Does it support uncertainty (e.g., via interval-valued entries).
virtual bool | hasUncertainty () const |
| Checks whether the model actually is uncertain, i.e., whether there is a non-singleton transition relation.
virtual std::size_t | hash () const |
void | writeJsonToStream (std::ostream &) const |
| Model (ModelType const &modelType) |
| Constructs a model of the given type.
| ModelBase (ModelType const &modelType) |
| Constructs a model of the given type.
virtual | ~ModelBase () |
template<typename ModelType > |
std::shared_ptr< ModelType > | as () |
| Casts the model into the model type given by the template parameter.
template<typename ModelType > |
std::shared_ptr< ModelType const > | as () const |
| Casts the model into the model type given by the template parameter.
virtual ModelType | getType () const |
| Return the actual type of the model.
virtual bool | isSymbolicModel () const |
| Checks whether the model is a symbolic model.
bool | isOfType (storm::models::ModelType const &modelType) const |
| Checks whether the model is of the given type.
bool | isNondeterministicModel () const |
| Returns true if the model is a nondeterministic model.
bool | isDiscreteTimeModel () const |
| Returns true if the model is a descrete-time model.
virtual bool | isPartiallyObservable () const |
ValueType, typename
RewardModelType = StandardRewardModel<ValueType>>
class storm::models::sparse::Dtmc< ValueType, RewardModelType >
This class represents a discrete-time Markov chain.
Definition at line 14 of file Dtmc.h.