typename ValueType,
typename StateType = u
DistributionWithReward & operator=(DistributionWithReward &&other)=default
bool equals(DistributionWithReward< ValueType, StateType > const &other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator< ValueType > const &comparator=storm::utility::ConstantsComparator< ValueType >()) const
Checks whether the two distributions specify the same probabilities to go to the same states.
DistributionWithReward(DistributionWithReward &&other)=default
ValueType const & getReward() const
Retrieves the reward of this distribution.
DistributionWithReward & operator=(DistributionWithReward const &other)=default
bool less(DistributionWithReward< ValueType, StateType > const &other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator< ValueType > const &comparator) const
DistributionWithReward(DistributionWithReward const &other)=default
void setReward(ValueType const &reward)
Sets the reward of this distribution.