4#include <boost/optional.hpp>
typename ValueType>
96 void setBounds(ValueType
const& lower, ValueType
const& upper);
169 void setBounds(std::vector<ValueType>
const& lower, std::vector<ValueType>
const& upper);
196 void showProgressIterative(uint64_t iterations, boost::optional<uint64_t>
const& bound = boost::none)
208 void createUpperBoundsVector(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<ValueType>>& upperBoundsVector, uint64_t length)
228 uint64_t maximalNumberOfIterations)
260 mutable boost::optional<storm::utility::ProgressMeasurement> progressMeasurement;
uint64_t getShowProgressDelay() const
Retrieves the delay between progress emissions.
std::unique_ptr< TerminationCondition< ValueType > > terminationCondition
void clearRelevantValues()
Removes the values of interest (if there were any).
void setUpperBound(ValueType const &value)
Sets an upper bound for the solution that can potentially be used by the solver.
void createLowerBoundsVector(std::vector< ValueType > &lowerBoundsVector) const
std::vector< ValueType > const & getLowerBounds() const
Retrieves a vector containing the lower bounds (if there are any).
bool hasUpperBound(BoundType const &type=BoundType::Any) const
Retrieves whether this solver has an upper bound.
bool hasLowerBound(BoundType const &type=BoundType::Any) const
Retrieves whether this solver has a lower bound.
void showProgressIterative(uint64_t iterations, boost::optional< uint64_t > const &bound=boost::none) const
Shows progress if this solver is asked to do so.
storm::storage::BitVector const & getRelevantValues() const
Retrieves the relevant values (if there are any).
std::unique_ptr< TerminationCondition< ValueType > > const & getTerminationConditionPointer() const
void setLowerBound(ValueType const &value)
Sets a lower bound for the solution that can potentially be used by the solver.
ValueType const & getUpperBound() const
Retrieves the upper bound (if there is any).
boost::optional< ValueType > lowerBound
boost::optional< ValueType > upperBound
void setUpperBounds(std::vector< ValueType > const &values)
Sets upper bounds for the solution that can potentially be used by the solver.
void setRelevantValues(storm::storage::BitVector &&valuesOfInterest)
Sets the relevant values.
bool terminateNow(std::vector< ValueType > const &values, SolverGuarantee const &guarantee) const
Checks whether the solver can terminate wrt.
void setBounds(ValueType const &lower, ValueType const &upper)
Sets bounds for the solution that can potentially be used by the solver.
void startMeasureProgress(uint64_t startingIteration=0) const
Starts to measure progress.
boost::optional< std::vector< ValueType > > upperBounds
void createUpperBoundsVector(std::vector< ValueType > &upperBoundsVector) const
void setBoundsFromOtherSolver(AbstractEquationSolver< ValueType > const &other)
void resetTerminationCondition()
Removes a previously set custom termination condition.
std::vector< ValueType > const & getUpperBounds() const
Retrieves a vector containing the upper bounds (if there are any).
bool isShowProgressSet() const
Retrieves whether progress is to be shown.
void clearBounds()
Removes all specified solution bounds.
TerminationCondition< ValueType > const & getTerminationCondition() const
Retrieves the custom termination condition (if any was set).
bool hasRelevantValues() const
Retrieves whether this solver has particularly relevant values.
bool hasCustomTerminationCondition() const
Retrieves whether a custom termination condition has been set.
boost::optional< std::vector< ValueType > > lowerBounds
boost::optional< storm::storage::BitVector > const & getOptionalRelevantValues() const
ValueType const & getLowerBound() const
Retrieves the lower bound (if there is any).
void setTerminationCondition(std::unique_ptr< TerminationCondition< ValueType > > terminationCondition)
Sets a custom termination condition that is used together with the regular termination condition of t...
SolverStatus updateStatus(SolverStatus status, std::vector< ValueType > const &x, SolverGuarantee const &guarantee, uint64_t iterations, uint64_t maximalNumberOfIterations) const
Update the status of the solver with respect to convergence, early termination, abortion,...
boost::optional< storm::storage::BitVector > relevantValues
void reportStatus(SolverStatus status, boost::optional< uint64_t > const &iterations=boost::none) const
Report the current status of the solver.
void setLowerBounds(std::vector< ValueType > const &values)
Sets lower bounds for the solution that can potentially be used by the solver.
A bit vector that is internally represented as a vector of 64-bit values.