189 const static std::string methodOptionName;
190 const static std::string useDecompositionOptionName;
191 const static std::string splitModeOptionName;
192 const static std::string addAllGuardsOptionName;
193 const static std::string addInitialExpressionsOptionName;
194 const static std::string useInterpolationOptionName;
195 const static std::string precisionOptionName;
196 const static std::string relativeOptionName;
197 const static std::string pivotHeuristicOptionName;
198 const static std::string reuseResultsOptionName;
199 const static std::string restrictToRelevantStatesOptionName;
200 const static std::string solveModeOptionName;
201 const static std::string maximalAbstractionOptionName;
202 const static std::string rankRefinementPredicatesOptionName;
203 const static std::string constraintsOptionName;
204 const static std::string useEagerRefinementOptionName;
205 const static std::string debugOptionName;
206 const static std::string injectRefinementPredicatesOptionName;
207 const static std::string fixPlayer1StrategyOptionName;
208 const static std::string fixPlayer2StrategyOptionName;
209 const static std::string validBlockModeOptionName;
This class represents the settings for the abstraction procedures.
PivotSelectionHeuristic getPivotSelectionHeuristic() const
Retrieves the selected heuristic to select pivot blocks.
bool isUseEagerRefinementSet() const
Retrieves whether to refine eagerly.
bool isFixPlayer1StrategySet() const
Retrieves whether player 1 strategies are to be fixed.
bool isAddAllInitialExpressionsSet() const
Retrieves whether the option to add all initial expressions was set.
double getPrecision() const
Retrieves the precision that is used for detecting convergence.
SolveMode getSolveMode() const
Retrieves the mode with which to solve the games.
uint_fast64_t getMaximalAbstractionCount() const
Retrieves the maximal number of abstractions to perform until giving up on converging.
void setAddAllInitialExpressions(bool value)
Sets the option to add all initial expressions to the specified value.
std::string getInjectedRefinementPredicates() const
Retrieves a string containing refinement predicates to inject (if there are any).
SplitMode getSplitMode() const
Retrieves the selected split mode.
Method getAbstractionRefinementMethod() const
Retrieves the selected abstraction refinement method.
bool isUseInterpolationSet() const
Retrieves whether the option to use interpolation was set.
bool isUseDecompositionSet() const
Retrieves whether the option to use the decomposition was set.
bool isAddAllGuardsSet() const
Retrieves whether the option to add all guards was set.
static const std::string moduleName
ValidBlockMode getValidBlockMode() const
Retrieves the selected mode to guarantee valid blocks.
void setAddAllGuards(bool value)
Sets the option to add all guards to the specified value.
bool getRelativeTerminationCriterion() const
Retrieves whether to use a relative termination criterion for detecting convergence.
bool isConstraintsSet() const
Retrieves whether the constraints option was set.
ReuseMode getReuseMode() const
Retrieves the selected reuse mode.
bool isRankRefinementPredicatesSet() const
bool isInjectRefinementPredicatesSet() const
Retrieves whether the option to inject the refinement predicates is set.
bool isDebugSet() const
Retrieves whether the debug option was set.
Creates a new set of abstraction settings.
bool isFixPlayer2StrategySet() const
Retrieves whether player 2 strategies are to be fixed.
@ NearestMaximalDeviation
bool isRestrictToRelevantStatesSet() const
Retrieves whether only relevant states are to be considered.
std::string getConstraintString() const
Retrieves the string that specifies additional constraints.
This is the base class of the settings for a particular module.
SettingsType const & getModule()
Get module.