16const std::string EliminationSettings::eliminationMethodOptionName =
17const std::string EliminationSettings::eliminationOrderOptionName =
18const std::string EliminationSettings::entryStatesLastOptionName =
19const std::string EliminationSettings::maximalSccSizeOptionName =
20const std::string EliminationSettings::useDedicatedModelCheckerOptionName =
23 std::vector<std::string>
orders = {
33 std::vector<std::string>
methods = {
54 "Sets whether to use the dedicated model elimination checker (only DTMCs).")
false, storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException,
"Illegal elimination method selected.");
false, storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException,
"Illegal elimination order selected.");
virtual std::string getValueAsString() const =0
Retrieves the value of this argument as a string.
virtual uint_fast64_t getValueAsUnsignedInteger() const =0
Retrieves the value of this argument as an unsigned integer.
static ArgumentBuilder createUnsignedIntegerArgument(std::string const &name, std::string const &description)
Creates an unsigned integer argument with the given parameters.
static ArgumentBuilder createStringArgument(std::string const &name, std::string const &description)
Creates a string argument with the given parameters.
static std::shared_ptr< ArgumentValidator< std::string > > createMultipleChoiceValidator(std::vector< std::string > const &choices)
This class provides the interface to create an option...
ArgumentBase const & getArgumentByName(std::string const &argumentName) const
Returns a reference to the argument with the specified long name.
bool getHasOptionBeenSet() const
Retrieves whether the option has been set.
An enum that contains all available state elimination orders.
bool isEliminateEntryStatesLastSet() const
Retrieves whether the option to eliminate entry states in the very end is set.
EliminationMethod getEliminationMethod() const
Retrieves the selected elimination method.
static const std::string moduleName
EliminationOrder getEliminationOrder() const
Retrieves the selected elimination order.
Creates a new set of parametric model checking settings.
uint_fast64_t getMaximalSccSize() const
Retrieves the maximal size of an SCC on which state elimination is to be directly applied.
An enum that contains all available elimination methods.
bool isUseDedicatedModelCheckerSet() const
Retrieves whether the dedicated model checker is to be used instead of the general on.
This is the base class of the settings for a particular module.
void addOption(std::shared_ptr< Option > const &option)
Adds and registers the given option.
Option & getOption(std::string const &longName)
Retrieves the option with the given long name.
#define STORM_LOG_THROW(cond, exception, message)
SettingsType const & getModule()
Get module.