46 "Enables PRISM compatibility. This may be necessary to process some PRISM models.")
50 "If the model contains deadlock states, they need to be fixed by setting this option.")
56 "If set, the maximum progress assumption is not applied while building the model (relevant for MAs)")
63 "If set, also build information that for each choice indicates the part(s) of the input that yielded the choice.")
69 "If set, also build the observation valuations (only relevant for POMDPs)")
85 "If set, additional checks (if available) are performed during model exploration to debug the model.")
92 "For states where multiple guards are enabled, we add a label (for debugging DTMCs)")
98 "Sets the number of bits that is used for unbounded integer variables.")
106 "If set, location elimination will be performed before the model is built.")
109 "location-heuristic",
"If this number of locations is reached, no further unfolding will be performed")
114 "edges-heuristic",
"Determines how many new edges may be created by a single elimination")
121 "Potentially stopped exploration once the specified number of states is exceeded.")
virtual std::string getValueAsString() const =0
Retrieves the value of this argument as a string.
virtual uint_fast64_t getValueAsUnsignedInteger() const =0
Retrieves the value of this argument as an unsigned integer.
static ArgumentBuilder createUnsignedIntegerArgument(std::string const &name, std::string const &description)
Creates an unsigned integer argument with the given parameters.
static ArgumentBuilder createStringArgument(std::string const &name, std::string const &description)
Creates a string argument with the given parameters.
static std::shared_ptr< ArgumentValidator< uint64_t > > createUnsignedRangeValidatorExcluding(uint64_t lowerBound, uint64_t upperBound)
static std::shared_ptr< ArgumentValidator< std::string > > createMultipleChoiceValidator(std::vector< std::string > const &choices)
This class provides the interface to create an option...
ArgumentBase const & getArgumentByName(std::string const &argumentName) const
Returns a reference to the argument with the specified long name.
bool getHasOptionBeenSet() const
Retrieves whether the option has been set.
uint64_t getExplorationStateLimit() const
Retrieves the state limit (if set).
bool isExplorationStateLimitSet() const
Retrieves whether an exploration state limit has been set in which case state space exploration might...
static const std::string moduleName
bool isBuildStateValuationsSet() const
Retrieves whether the choice labels should be build.
uint64_t getLocationEliminationLocationHeuristic() const
Retrieves the location parameter of the location elimination heuristic.
std::unique_ptr< storm::settings::SettingMemento > overrideDontFixDeadlocksSet(bool stateToSet)
Overrides the option to not fix deadlocks by setting it to the specified value.
bool isExplorationOrderSet() const
Retrieves whether the model exploration order was set.
bool isNoSimplifySet() const
Retrieves whether simplification of symbolic inputs through static analysis shall be disabled.
storm::builder::ExplorationOrder getExplorationOrder() const
Retrieves the exploration order if it was set.
uint64_t getLocationEliminationEdgesHeuristic() const
Retrieves the edge parameter of the location elimination heuristic.
bool isDontFixDeadlocksSet() const
Retrieves whether the dont-fix-deadlocks option was set.
bool isBuildObservationValuationsSet() const
Retrieves whether the observation valuations should be build.
bool isBuildAllLabelsSet() const
Retrieves whether all labels should be build.
bool isBuildOutOfBoundsStateSet() const
Retrieves whether out of bounds state should be added.
Creates a new set of core settings.
bool isAddOverlappingGuardsLabelSet() const
Retrieves whether to build the overlapping label.
bool isApplyNoMaximumProgressAssumptionSet() const
Retrieves whether the maximum progress assumption is to be applied when building the model.
bool isBuildChoiceOriginsSet() const
Retrieves whether the choice origins should be build.
bool isBuildFullModelSet() const
Retrieves whether the full model should be build, that is, the model including all labels and rewards...
uint64_t getBitsForUnboundedVariables() const
Retrieves the number of bits that should be used to represent unbounded integer variables.
bool isBuildChoiceLabelsSet() const
Retrieves whether the choice labels should be build.
bool isNoBuildModelSet() const
Retrieves whether no model should be build at all, in case one just want to translate models or parse...
bool isLocationEliminationSet() const
Retrieves whether location elimination is enabled.
bool isPrismCompatibilityEnabled() const
Retrieves whether the PRISM compatibility mode was enabled.
bool isExplorationChecksSet() const
Retrieves whether to perform additional checks during model exploration (e.g.
This is the base class of the settings for a particular module.
std::unique_ptr< storm::settings::SettingMemento > overrideOption(std::string const &name, bool requiredStatus)
Sets the option with the given name to the required status.
void addOption(std::shared_ptr< Option > const &option)
Adds and registers the given option.
Option & getOption(std::string const &longName)
Retrieves the option with the given long name.
#define STORM_LOG_THROW(cond, exception, message)
const std::string noBuildOptionName
const std::string explorationChecksOptionName
const std::string applyNoMaxProgAssumptionOptionName
const std::string buildChoiceOriginsOptionName
const std::string buildStateValuationsOptionName
const std::string explorationChecksOptionShortName
const std::string buildAllLabelsOptionName
const std::string noSimplifyOptionName
const std::string buildObservationValuationsOptionName
const std::string dontFixDeadlockOptionName
const std::string explorationOrderOptionShortName
const std::string explorationStateLimitOptionName
const std::string performLocationElimination
const std::string fullModelBuildOptionName
const std::string prismCompatibilityOptionName
const std::string buildOutOfBoundsStateOptionName
const std::string dontFixDeadlockOptionShortName
const std::string buildChoiceLabelOptionName
const std::string prismCompatibilityOptionShortName
const std::string bitsForUnboundedVariablesOptionName
const std::string buildOverlappingGuardsLabelOptionName
const std::string explorationOrderOptionName
SettingsType const & getModule()
Get module.