typename ValueType>
16 using DFTElementCPointer = std::shared_ptr<storm::dft::storage::elements::DFTElement<ValueType>
17 using DFTBECPointer = std::shared_ptr<storm::dft::storage::elements::DFTBE<ValueType>
47 static Json translateElement(DFTElementCPointer element);
56 static Json translateBE(DFTBECPointer element, Json nodeData);
Represents a Dynamic Fault Tree.
Exports a DFT into the JSON format.
static void toFile(storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, std::string const &filepath)
Export DFT to given file.
static void toStream(storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, std::ostream &os)
Export DFT to given stream.
nlohmann::basic_json< std::map, std::vector, std::string, bool, int64_t, uint64_t, ValueType > json