24 uint_fast64_t lineNumber = 0);
60 Assignment substitute(std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression>
const& substitution)
storm::expressions::Variable const & getVariable() const
Retrieves the variable that is written to by this assignment.
Assignment(Assignment &&other)=default
std::string const & getVariableName() const
Retrieves the name of the variable that this assignment targets.
Assignment & operator=(Assignment &&other)=default
Assignment & operator=(Assignment const &other)=default
storm::expressions::Expression const & getExpression() const
Retrieves the expression that is assigned to the variable.
bool isIdentity() const
Checks whether the assignment is an identity (lhs equals rhs)
Assignment substitute(std::map< storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression > const &substitution) const
Substitutes all variables in the assignment according to the given map.
Assignment(Assignment const &other)=default
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, Assignment const &assignment)
Assignment substituteNonStandardPredicates() const