A Modern Probabilistic Model Checker
No Matches
storm::jani::Model Class Reference

#include <Model.h>

Public Member Functions

 Model ()
 Creates an uninitialized model.
 Model (std::string const &name, ModelType const &modelType, uint64_t version=1, boost::optional< std::shared_ptr< storm::expressions::ExpressionManager > > const &expressionManager=boost::none)
 Creates an empty model with the given type.
 Model (Model const &other)
 Copies the given model.
Modeloperator= (Model const &other)
 Copy-assigns the given model.
 Model (Model &&other)
Modeloperator= (Model &&other)
storm::expressions::ExpressionManagergetManager () const
 Retrieves the expression manager responsible for the expressions in the model.
uint64_t getJaniVersion () const
 Retrieves the JANI-version of the model.
ModelType const & getModelType () const
 Retrieves the type of the model.
void setModelType (ModelType const &)
 Changes (only) the type declaration of the model.
ModelFeatures const & getModelFeatures () const
 Retrieves the enabled model features.
ModelFeaturesgetModelFeatures ()
 Retrieves the enabled model features.
std::string const & getName () const
 Retrieves the name of the model.
void setName (std::string const &newName)
 Sets the name of the model.
Model flattenComposition (std::shared_ptr< storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory > const &smtSolverFactory=std::make_shared< storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory >()) const
 Flatten the composition to obtain an equivalent model that contains exactly one automaton that has the standard composition.
bool hasAction (std::string const &name) const
 Checks whether the model has an action with the given name.
uint64_t getActionIndex (std::string const &name) const
 Get the index of the action.
std::unordered_map< std::string, uint64_t > const & getActionToIndexMap () const
 Retrieves the mapping from action names to their indices.
uint64_t addAction (Action const &action)
 Adds an action to the model.
Action const & getAction (uint64_t index) const
 Retrieves the action with the given index.
std::vector< Action > const & getActions () const
 Retrieves the actions of the model.
std::map< uint64_t, std::string > getActionIndexToNameMap () const
 Builds a map with action indices mapped to their names.
storm::storage::FlatSet< uint64_t > const & getNonsilentActionIndices () const
 Retrieves all non-silent action indices of the model.
void addConstant (Constant const &constant)
 Adds the given constant to the model.
bool hasConstant (std::string const &name) const
 Retrieves whether the model has a constant with the given name.
void removeConstant (std::string const &name)
 Removes (without checks) a constant from the model.
std::vector< Constant > const & getConstants () const
 Retrieves the constants of the model.
std::vector< Constant > & getConstants ()
 Retrieves the constants of the model.
Constant const & getConstant (std::string const &name) const
 Retrieves the constant with the given name (if any).
Variable const & addVariable (Variable const &variable)
 Adds the given variable to this model.
VariableSetgetGlobalVariables ()
 Retrieves the variables of this automaton.
VariableSet const & getGlobalVariables () const
 Retrieves the variables of this automaton.
std::set< storm::expressions::VariablegetAllExpressionVariables (bool includeLocationExpressionVariables=false) const
 Retrieves all expression variables used by this model.
std::set< storm::expressions::VariablegetAllLocationExpressionVariables () const
 Retrieves all location expression variables used by this model.
bool hasGlobalVariable (std::string const &name) const
 Retrieves whether this model has a global variable with the given name.
Variable const & getGlobalVariable (std::string const &name) const
 Retrieves the global variable with the given name if one exists.
bool hasNonGlobalTransientVariable () const
 Retrieves whether this model has a non-global transient variable.
FunctionDefinition const & addFunctionDefinition (FunctionDefinition const &functionDefinition)
 Adds the given function definition.
std::unordered_map< std::string, FunctionDefinition > const & getGlobalFunctionDefinitions () const
 Retrieves all global function definitions.
std::unordered_map< std::string, FunctionDefinition > & getGlobalFunctionDefinitions ()
 Retrieves all global function definitions.
storm::expressions::ExpressionManagergetExpressionManager () const
 Retrieves the manager responsible for the expressions in the JANI model.
bool hasNonTrivialRewardExpression () const
 Returns true iff there is a non-trivial reward model, i.e., a reward model that does not consist of a single, global, numerical, transient variable.
bool isNonTrivialRewardModelExpression (std::string const &identifier) const
 Returns true iff the given identifier corresponds to a non-trivial reward expression i.e., a reward model that does not consist of a single, global, numerical, transient variable.
bool addNonTrivialRewardExpression (std::string const &identifier, storm::expressions::Expression const &rewardExpression)
 Adds a reward expression, i.e., a reward model that does not consist of a single, global, numerical, transient variable.
storm::expressions::Expression getRewardModelExpression (std::string const &identifier) const
 Retrieves the defining reward expression of the reward model with the given identifier.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, storm::expressions::Expression > > getAllRewardModelExpressions () const
 Retrieves all available reward model names and expressions of the model.
std::unordered_map< std::string, storm::expressions::Expression > const & getNonTrivialRewardExpressions () const
 Retrieves all available non-trivial reward model names and expressions of the model.
std::unordered_map< std::string, storm::expressions::Expression > & getNonTrivialRewardExpressions ()
 Retrieves all available non-trivial reward model names and expressions of the model.
uint64_t addAutomaton (Automaton const &automaton)
 Adds the given automaton to the automata of this model.
std::vector< Automaton > & getAutomata ()
 Retrieves the automata of the model.
std::vector< Automaton > const & getAutomata () const
 Retrieves the automata of the model.
void replaceAutomaton (uint64_t index, Automaton const &newAutomaton)
 Replaces the automaton at index with a new automaton.
bool hasAutomaton (std::string const &name) const
 Rerieves whether there exists an automaton with the given name.
AutomatongetAutomaton (std::string const &name)
 Retrieves the automaton with the given name.
AutomatongetAutomaton (uint64_t index)
 Retrieves the automaton with the given index.
Automaton const & getAutomaton (uint64_t index) const
 Retrieves the automaton with the given index.
Automaton const & getAutomaton (std::string const &name) const
 Retrieves the automaton with the given name.
uint64_t getAutomatonIndex (std::string const &name) const
 Retrieves the index of the given automaton.
std::size_t getNumberOfAutomata () const
 Retrieves the number of automata in this model.
std::size_t getNumberOfEdges () const
 Retrieves the total number of edges in this model.
std::size_t getTotalNumberOfNonTransientVariables () const
 Number of global and local variables.
InformationObject getModelInformation () const
 Returns various information of this model.
void setSystemComposition (std::shared_ptr< Composition > const &composition)
 Sets the system composition expression of the JANI model.
void setStandardSystemComposition ()
 Sets the system composition to be the fully-synchronizing parallel composition of all automat.
std::shared_ptr< CompositiongetStandardSystemComposition () const
 Gets the system composition as the standard, fully-synchronizing parallel composition.
Composition const & getSystemComposition () const
 Retrieves the system composition expression.
void simplifyComposition ()
 Attempts to simplify the composition.
std::set< std::string > getActionNames (bool includeSilent=true) const
 Retrieves the set of action names.
Model defineUndefinedConstants (std::map< storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression > const &constantDefinitions) const
 Defines the undefined constants of the model by the given expressions.
bool hasUndefinedConstants () const
 Retrieves whether the model still has undefined constants.
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Constant const > > getUndefinedConstants () const
 Retrieves all undefined constants of the model.
ModelreplaceUnassignedVariablesWithConstants ()
 Replaces each variable to which we never assign a value with a constant.
ModelsubstituteConstantsInPlace (bool const substituteTranscendentalNumbers)
 Substitutes all constants in all expressions of the model.
Model substituteConstants () const
 Substitutes all constants in all expressions of the model.
std::map< storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::ExpressiongetConstantsSubstitution () const
 Retrieves a mapping from expression variables associated with defined constants of the model to their (the constants') defining expression.
void substitute (std::map< storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression > const &substitution, bool const substituteTranscendentalNumbers)
 Substitutes all expression variables in all expressions of the model.
void substituteFunctions ()
 Substitutes all function calls with the corresponding function definition.
void substituteFunctions (std::vector< Property > &properties)
Model substituteConstantsFunctionsTranscendentals () const
bool containsArrayVariables () const
 Returns true if at least one array variable occurs in the model.
ArrayEliminatorData eliminateArrays (bool keepNonTrivialArrayAccess=false)
 Eliminates occurring array variables and expressions by replacing array variables by multiple basic variables.
void eliminateArrays (std::vector< Property > &properties)
 Eliminates occurring array variables and expressions by replacing array variables by multiple basic variables.
ModelFeatures restrictToFeatures (ModelFeatures const &modelFeatures)
 Attempts to eliminate all features of this model that are not in the given set of features.
ModelFeatures restrictToFeatures (ModelFeatures const &modelFeatures, std::vector< Property > &properties)
 Attempts to eliminate all features of this model and the given properties that are not in the given set of features.
bool hasInitialStatesRestriction () const
 Retrieves whether there is an expression restricting the legal initial values of the global variables.
bool hasNonTrivialInitialStates () const
 Retrieves whether there are non-trivial initial states in the model or any of the contained automata.
void setInitialStatesRestriction (storm::expressions::Expression const &initialStatesRestriction)
 Sets the expression restricting the legal initial values of the global variables.
storm::expressions::Expression const & getInitialStatesRestriction () const
 Gets the expression restricting the legal initial values of the global variables.
storm::expressions::Expression getInitialStatesExpression () const
 Retrieves the expression defining the legal initial values of the variables.
bool hasTrivialInitialStatesExpression () const
 Retrieves whether the initial states expression is trivial in the sense that no automaton has an initial states restriction and all variables have initial values.
storm::expressions::Expression getInitialStatesExpression (std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< storm::jani::Automaton const > > const &automata) const
 Retrieves the expression defining the legal initial values of the variables.
bool isDeterministicModel () const
 Determines whether this model is a deterministic one in the sense that each state only has one choice.
bool isDiscreteTimeModel () const
 Determines whether this model is a discrete-time model.
std::vector< storm::expressions::ExpressiongetAllRangeExpressions (std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< storm::jani::Automaton const > > const &automata={}) const
 Retrieves a list of expressions that characterize the legal values of the variables in this model.
bool hasStandardComposition () const
 Retrieves whether this model has the standard composition, that is it composes all automata in parallel and synchronizes over all common actions.
bool hasStandardCompliantComposition () const
 Checks whether the composition has no nesting.
void finalize ()
 After adding all components to the model, this method has to be called.
void checkValid () const
 Checks if the model is valid JANI, which should be verified before any further operations are applied to a model.
storm::expressions::Expression getLabelExpression (Variable const &transientVariable, std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Automaton const > > const &automata) const
 Creates the expression that characterizes all states in which the provided transient boolean variable is true.
storm::expressions::Expression getLabelExpression (Variable const &transientVariable) const
 Creates the expression that characterizes all states in which the provided transient boolean variable is true.
bool undefinedConstantsAreGraphPreserving () const
 Checks that undefined constants (parameters) of the model preserve the graph of the underlying model.
void liftTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments (int64_t maxLevel=0)
 Lifts the common edge destination assignments of transient variables to edge assignments.
bool hasTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments () const
 Retrieves whether there is any transient edge destination assignment in the model.
bool usesAssignmentLevels (bool onlyTransient=false) const
 Retrieves whether the model uses an assignment level other than zero.
bool isLinear () const
 Checks the model for linearity.
void makeStandardJaniCompliant ()
void pushEdgeAssignmentsToDestinations ()
bool reusesActionsInComposition () const
 Checks whether in the composition, actions are reused: That is, if the model is put in parallel composition and the same action potentially leads to multiple edges from the same state.
Model restrictEdges (storm::storage::FlatSet< uint_fast64_t > const &automataAndEdgeIndices) const
 Creates a new model that only contains the selected edges.
void writeDotToStream (std::ostream &outStream=std::cout) const

Static Public Member Functions

static uint64_t encodeAutomatonAndEdgeIndices (uint64_t automatonIndex, uint64_t edgeIndex)
 Encode and decode a tuple of automaton and edge index in one 64-bit index.
static std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > decodeAutomatonAndEdgeIndices (uint64_t index)

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string SILENT_ACTION_NAME = ""
 The name of the silent action.
static const uint64_t SILENT_ACTION_INDEX = 0
 The index of the silent action.


class Exporter

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file Model.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Model() [1/4]

storm::jani::Model::Model ( )

Creates an uninitialized model.

Definition at line 47 of file Model.cpp.

◆ Model() [2/4]

storm::jani::Model::Model ( std::string const &  name,
ModelType const &  modelType,
uint64_t  version = 1,
boost::optional< std::shared_ptr< storm::expressions::ExpressionManager > > const &  expressionManager = boost::none 

Creates an empty model with the given type.

Definition at line 51 of file Model.cpp.

◆ Model() [3/4]

storm::jani::Model::Model ( Model const &  other)

Copies the given model.

Definition at line 69 of file Model.cpp.

◆ Model() [4/4]

storm::jani::Model::Model ( Model &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAction()

uint64_t storm::jani::Model::addAction ( Action const &  action)

Adds an action to the model.

the index for this action.

Definition at line 617 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addAutomaton()

uint64_t storm::jani::Model::addAutomaton ( Automaton const &  automaton)

Adds the given automaton to the automata of this model.

Definition at line 863 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addConstant()

void storm::jani::Model::addConstant ( Constant const &  constant)

Adds the given constant to the model.

Definition at line 654 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addFunctionDefinition()

FunctionDefinition const & storm::jani::Model::addFunctionDefinition ( FunctionDefinition const &  functionDefinition)

Adds the given function definition.

Definition at line 774 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addNonTrivialRewardExpression()

bool storm::jani::Model::addNonTrivialRewardExpression ( std::string const &  identifier,
storm::expressions::Expression const &  rewardExpression 

Adds a reward expression, i.e., a reward model that does not consist of a single, global, numerical, transient variable.

true if a new reward model was added and false if a reward model with this identifier is already present in the model (in which case no reward model is added)

Definition at line 801 of file Model.cpp.

◆ addVariable()

Variable const & storm::jani::Model::addVariable ( Variable const &  variable)

Adds the given variable to this model.

Definition at line 717 of file Model.cpp.

◆ checkValid()

void storm::jani::Model::checkValid ( ) const

Checks if the model is valid JANI, which should be verified before any further operations are applied to a model.

Definition at line 1405 of file Model.cpp.

◆ containsArrayVariables()

bool storm::jani::Model::containsArrayVariables ( ) const

Returns true if at least one array variable occurs in the model.

Definition at line 1219 of file Model.cpp.

◆ decodeAutomatonAndEdgeIndices()

std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > storm::jani::Model::decodeAutomatonAndEdgeIndices ( uint64_t  index)

Definition at line 1593 of file Model.cpp.

◆ defineUndefinedConstants()

Model storm::jani::Model::defineUndefinedConstants ( std::map< storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression > const &  constantDefinitions) const

Defines the undefined constants of the model by the given expressions.

The original model is not modified, but instead a new model is created.

Definition at line 1046 of file Model.cpp.

◆ eliminateArrays() [1/2]

ArrayEliminatorData storm::jani::Model::eliminateArrays ( bool  keepNonTrivialArrayAccess = false)

Eliminates occurring array variables and expressions by replacing array variables by multiple basic variables.

keepNonTrivialArrayAccessif set, array access expressions in LValues and expressions are only replaced, if the index expression is constant.
data from the elimination. If non-trivial array accesses are kept, pointers to remaining array variables point to this data.

Definition at line 1231 of file Model.cpp.

◆ eliminateArrays() [2/2]

void storm::jani::Model::eliminateArrays ( std::vector< Property > &  properties)

Eliminates occurring array variables and expressions by replacing array variables by multiple basic variables.

propertiesalso eliminates array expressions in the given properties

Definition at line 1236 of file Model.cpp.

◆ encodeAutomatonAndEdgeIndices()

uint64_t storm::jani::Model::encodeAutomatonAndEdgeIndices ( uint64_t  automatonIndex,
uint64_t  edgeIndex 

Encode and decode a tuple of automaton and edge index in one 64-bit index.

Definition at line 1589 of file Model.cpp.

◆ finalize()

void storm::jani::Model::finalize ( )

After adding all components to the model, this method has to be called.

It recursively calls finalize on all contained elements. All subsequent changes to the model require another call to this method.

Definition at line 1399 of file Model.cpp.

◆ flattenComposition()

Model storm::jani::Model::flattenComposition ( std::shared_ptr< storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory > const &  smtSolverFactory = std::make_shared<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory>()) const

Flatten the composition to obtain an equivalent model that contains exactly one automaton that has the standard composition.

smtSolverFactoryA factory that can be used to create new SMT solvers.

Definition at line 442 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAction()

Action const & storm::jani::Model::getAction ( uint64_t  index) const

Retrieves the action with the given index.

Definition at line 628 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getActionIndex()

uint64_t storm::jani::Model::getActionIndex ( std::string const &  name) const

Get the index of the action.

thename of the model
the index of the (unique) action with the given name, undefined if no such action is present.

Definition at line 636 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getActionIndexToNameMap()

std::map< uint64_t, std::string > storm::jani::Model::getActionIndexToNameMap ( ) const

Builds a map with action indices mapped to their names.

Definition at line 1036 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getActionNames()

std::set< std::string > storm::jani::Model::getActionNames ( bool  includeSilent = true) const

Retrieves the set of action names.

Definition at line 1026 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getActions()

std::vector< Action > const & storm::jani::Model::getActions ( ) const

Retrieves the actions of the model.

Definition at line 646 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getActionToIndexMap()

std::unordered_map< std::string, uint64_t > const & storm::jani::Model::getActionToIndexMap ( ) const

Retrieves the mapping from action names to their indices.

Definition at line 642 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAllExpressionVariables()

std::set< storm::expressions::Variable > storm::jani::Model::getAllExpressionVariables ( bool  includeLocationExpressionVariables = false) const

Retrieves all expression variables used by this model.

Note that this does not include the location expression variables by default.

The set of expression variables used by this model.

Definition at line 729 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAllLocationExpressionVariables()

std::set< storm::expressions::Variable > storm::jani::Model::getAllLocationExpressionVariables ( ) const

Retrieves all location expression variables used by this model.

The set of expression variables used by this model.

Definition at line 749 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAllRangeExpressions()

std::vector< storm::expressions::Expression > storm::jani::Model::getAllRangeExpressions ( std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< storm::jani::Automaton const > > const &  automata = {}) const

Retrieves a list of expressions that characterize the legal values of the variables in this model.

automataIf provided only range expressions from these automata will be created.

Definition at line 1377 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAllRewardModelExpressions()

std::vector< std::pair< std::string, storm::expressions::Expression > > storm::jani::Model::getAllRewardModelExpressions ( ) const

Retrieves all available reward model names and expressions of the model.

This includes defined non-trivial reward expressions as well as transient, global, numerical variables

Definition at line 841 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAutomata() [1/2]

std::vector< Automaton > & storm::jani::Model::getAutomata ( )

Retrieves the automata of the model.

Definition at line 872 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAutomata() [2/2]

std::vector< Automaton > const & storm::jani::Model::getAutomata ( ) const

Retrieves the automata of the model.

Definition at line 876 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAutomaton() [1/4]

Automaton & storm::jani::Model::getAutomaton ( std::string const &  name)

Retrieves the automaton with the given name.

Definition at line 888 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAutomaton() [2/4]

Automaton const & storm::jani::Model::getAutomaton ( std::string const &  name) const

Retrieves the automaton with the given name.

Definition at line 902 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAutomaton() [3/4]

Automaton & storm::jani::Model::getAutomaton ( uint64_t  index)

Retrieves the automaton with the given index.

Definition at line 894 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAutomaton() [4/4]

Automaton const & storm::jani::Model::getAutomaton ( uint64_t  index) const

Retrieves the automaton with the given index.

Definition at line 898 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getAutomatonIndex()

uint64_t storm::jani::Model::getAutomatonIndex ( std::string const &  name) const

Retrieves the index of the given automaton.

Definition at line 908 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getConstant()

Constant const & storm::jani::Model::getConstant ( std::string const &  name) const

Retrieves the constant with the given name (if any).

the reference to the constant is invalidated whenever a new constant is added.

Definition at line 683 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getConstants() [1/2]

std::vector< Constant > & storm::jani::Model::getConstants ( )

Retrieves the constants of the model.

Definition at line 693 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getConstants() [2/2]

std::vector< Constant > const & storm::jani::Model::getConstants ( ) const

Retrieves the constants of the model.

Definition at line 689 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getConstantsSubstitution()

std::map< storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression > storm::jani::Model::getConstantsSubstitution ( ) const

Retrieves a mapping from expression variables associated with defined constants of the model to their (the constants') defining expression.

Definition at line 1159 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getExpressionManager()

storm::expressions::ExpressionManager & storm::jani::Model::getExpressionManager ( ) const

Retrieves the manager responsible for the expressions in the JANI model.

Definition at line 789 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getGlobalFunctionDefinitions() [1/2]

std::unordered_map< std::string, FunctionDefinition > & storm::jani::Model::getGlobalFunctionDefinitions ( )

Retrieves all global function definitions.

Definition at line 785 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getGlobalFunctionDefinitions() [2/2]

std::unordered_map< std::string, FunctionDefinition > const & storm::jani::Model::getGlobalFunctionDefinitions ( ) const

Retrieves all global function definitions.

Definition at line 781 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getGlobalVariable()

Variable const & storm::jani::Model::getGlobalVariable ( std::string const &  name) const

Retrieves the global variable with the given name if one exists.

Definition at line 761 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getGlobalVariables() [1/2]

VariableSet & storm::jani::Model::getGlobalVariables ( )

Retrieves the variables of this automaton.

Definition at line 721 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getGlobalVariables() [2/2]

VariableSet const & storm::jani::Model::getGlobalVariables ( ) const

Retrieves the variables of this automaton.

Definition at line 725 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getInitialStatesExpression() [1/2]

storm::expressions::Expression storm::jani::Model::getInitialStatesExpression ( ) const

Retrieves the expression defining the legal initial values of the variables.

Definition at line 1312 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getInitialStatesExpression() [2/2]

storm::expressions::Expression storm::jani::Model::getInitialStatesExpression ( std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< storm::jani::Automaton const > > const &  automata) const

Retrieves the expression defining the legal initial values of the variables.

automataThe resulting expression will also characterize the legal initial states for these automata.

Definition at line 1335 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getInitialStatesRestriction()

storm::expressions::Expression const & storm::jani::Model::getInitialStatesRestriction ( ) const

Gets the expression restricting the legal initial values of the global variables.

Definition at line 1288 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getJaniVersion()

uint64_t storm::jani::Model::getJaniVersion ( ) const

Retrieves the JANI-version of the model.

Definition at line 117 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getLabelExpression() [1/2]

storm::expressions::Expression storm::jani::Model::getLabelExpression ( Variable const &  transientVariable) const

Creates the expression that characterizes all states in which the provided transient boolean variable is true.

The provided location variables are used to encode the location of the automata.

Definition at line 1412 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getLabelExpression() [2/2]

storm::expressions::Expression storm::jani::Model::getLabelExpression ( Variable const &  transientVariable,
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Automaton const > > const &  automata 
) const

Creates the expression that characterizes all states in which the provided transient boolean variable is true.

The provided location variables are used to encode the location of the automata.

Definition at line 1420 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getManager()

storm::expressions::ExpressionManager & storm::jani::Model::getManager ( ) const

Retrieves the expression manager responsible for the expressions in the model.

Definition at line 113 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getModelFeatures() [1/2]

ModelFeatures & storm::jani::Model::getModelFeatures ( )

Retrieves the enabled model features.

Definition at line 133 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getModelFeatures() [2/2]

ModelFeatures const & storm::jani::Model::getModelFeatures ( ) const

Retrieves the enabled model features.

Definition at line 129 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getModelInformation()

InformationObject storm::jani::Model::getModelInformation ( ) const

Returns various information of this model.

Definition at line 713 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getModelType()

ModelType const & storm::jani::Model::getModelType ( ) const

Retrieves the type of the model.

Definition at line 121 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getName()

std::string const & storm::jani::Model::getName ( ) const

Retrieves the name of the model.

Definition at line 137 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getNonsilentActionIndices()

storm::storage::FlatSet< uint64_t > const & storm::jani::Model::getNonsilentActionIndices ( ) const

Retrieves all non-silent action indices of the model.

Definition at line 650 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getNonTrivialRewardExpressions() [1/2]

std::unordered_map< std::string, storm::expressions::Expression > & storm::jani::Model::getNonTrivialRewardExpressions ( )

Retrieves all available non-trivial reward model names and expressions of the model.

Definition at line 859 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getNonTrivialRewardExpressions() [2/2]

std::unordered_map< std::string, storm::expressions::Expression > const & storm::jani::Model::getNonTrivialRewardExpressions ( ) const

Retrieves all available non-trivial reward model names and expressions of the model.

Definition at line 855 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfAutomata()

std::size_t storm::jani::Model::getNumberOfAutomata ( ) const

Retrieves the number of automata in this model.

Definition at line 914 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfEdges()

std::size_t storm::jani::Model::getNumberOfEdges ( ) const

Retrieves the total number of edges in this model.

Definition at line 697 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getRewardModelExpression()

storm::expressions::Expression storm::jani::Model::getRewardModelExpression ( std::string const &  identifier) const

Retrieves the defining reward expression of the reward model with the given identifier.

Definition at line 813 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getStandardSystemComposition()

std::shared_ptr< Composition > storm::jani::Model::getStandardSystemComposition ( ) const

Gets the system composition as the standard, fully-synchronizing parallel composition.

Definition at line 918 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getSystemComposition()

Composition const & storm::jani::Model::getSystemComposition ( ) const

Retrieves the system composition expression.

Definition at line 949 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getTotalNumberOfNonTransientVariables()

std::size_t storm::jani::Model::getTotalNumberOfNonTransientVariables ( ) const

Number of global and local variables.

Definition at line 705 of file Model.cpp.

◆ getUndefinedConstants()

std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Constant const > > storm::jani::Model::getUndefinedConstants ( ) const

Retrieves all undefined constants of the model.

Definition at line 1092 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasAction()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasAction ( std::string const &  name) const

Checks whether the model has an action with the given name.

nameThe name to look for.

Definition at line 632 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasAutomaton()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasAutomaton ( std::string const &  name) const

Rerieves whether there exists an automaton with the given name.


Definition at line 880 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasConstant()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasConstant ( std::string const &  name) const

Retrieves whether the model has a constant with the given name.

Definition at line 663 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasGlobalVariable()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasGlobalVariable ( std::string const &  name) const

Retrieves whether this model has a global variable with the given name.

Definition at line 757 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasInitialStatesRestriction()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasInitialStatesRestriction ( ) const

Retrieves whether there is an expression restricting the legal initial values of the global variables.

Definition at line 1284 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasNonGlobalTransientVariable()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasNonGlobalTransientVariable ( ) const

Retrieves whether this model has a non-global transient variable.

Definition at line 765 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasNonTrivialInitialStates()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasNonTrivialInitialStates ( ) const

Retrieves whether there are non-trivial initial states in the model or any of the contained automata.

Definition at line 1292 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasNonTrivialRewardExpression()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasNonTrivialRewardExpression ( ) const

Returns true iff there is a non-trivial reward model, i.e., a reward model that does not consist of a single, global, numerical, transient variable.

Definition at line 793 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasStandardCompliantComposition()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasStandardCompliantComposition ( ) const

Checks whether the composition has no nesting.

Definition at line 1477 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasStandardComposition()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasStandardComposition ( ) const

Retrieves whether this model has the standard composition, that is it composes all automata in parallel and synchronizes over all common actions.

Definition at line 1463 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments ( ) const

Retrieves whether there is any transient edge destination assignment in the model.

Definition at line 1551 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasTrivialInitialStatesExpression()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasTrivialInitialStatesExpression ( ) const

Retrieves whether the initial states expression is trivial in the sense that no automaton has an initial states restriction and all variables have initial values.

Definition at line 1320 of file Model.cpp.

◆ hasUndefinedConstants()

bool storm::jani::Model::hasUndefinedConstants ( ) const

Retrieves whether the model still has undefined constants.

Definition at line 1083 of file Model.cpp.

◆ isDeterministicModel()

bool storm::jani::Model::isDeterministicModel ( ) const

Determines whether this model is a deterministic one in the sense that each state only has one choice.

Definition at line 1369 of file Model.cpp.

◆ isDiscreteTimeModel()

bool storm::jani::Model::isDiscreteTimeModel ( ) const

Determines whether this model is a discrete-time model.

Definition at line 1373 of file Model.cpp.

◆ isLinear()

bool storm::jani::Model::isLinear ( ) const

Checks the model for linearity.

A model is linear if all expressions appearing in guards and assignments are linear.

Definition at line 1569 of file Model.cpp.

◆ isNonTrivialRewardModelExpression()

bool storm::jani::Model::isNonTrivialRewardModelExpression ( std::string const &  identifier) const

Returns true iff the given identifier corresponds to a non-trivial reward expression i.e., a reward model that does not consist of a single, global, numerical, transient variable.

Definition at line 797 of file Model.cpp.

◆ liftTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments()

void storm::jani::Model::liftTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments ( int64_t  maxLevel = 0)

Lifts the common edge destination assignments of transient variables to edge assignments.

maxLevelthe maximum level of assignments that are to be lifted.

Definition at line 1545 of file Model.cpp.

◆ makeStandardJaniCompliant()

void storm::jani::Model::makeStandardJaniCompliant ( )

Definition at line 1528 of file Model.cpp.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Model & storm::jani::Model::operator= ( Model &&  other)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Model & storm::jani::Model::operator= ( Model const &  other)

Copy-assigns the given model.

Definition at line 73 of file Model.cpp.

◆ pushEdgeAssignmentsToDestinations()

void storm::jani::Model::pushEdgeAssignmentsToDestinations ( )

Definition at line 1539 of file Model.cpp.

◆ removeConstant()

void storm::jani::Model::removeConstant ( std::string const &  name)

Removes (without checks) a constant from the model.

Definition at line 667 of file Model.cpp.

◆ replaceAutomaton()

void storm::jani::Model::replaceAutomaton ( uint64_t  index,
Automaton const &  newAutomaton 

Replaces the automaton at index with a new automaton.


Definition at line 884 of file Model.cpp.

◆ replaceUnassignedVariablesWithConstants()

Model & storm::jani::Model::replaceUnassignedVariablesWithConstants ( )

Replaces each variable to which we never assign a value with a constant.

Definition at line 1104 of file Model.cpp.

◆ restrictEdges()

Model storm::jani::Model::restrictEdges ( storm::storage::FlatSet< uint_fast64_t > const &  automataAndEdgeIndices) const

Creates a new model that only contains the selected edges.

The edge indices encode the automata and (local) indices of the edges within the automata.

Definition at line 1597 of file Model.cpp.

◆ restrictToFeatures() [1/2]

ModelFeatures storm::jani::Model::restrictToFeatures ( ModelFeatures const &  modelFeatures)

Attempts to eliminate all features of this model that are not in the given set of features.

The model features that could not be eliminated.

Definition at line 1243 of file Model.cpp.

◆ restrictToFeatures() [2/2]

ModelFeatures storm::jani::Model::restrictToFeatures ( ModelFeatures const &  modelFeatures,
std::vector< Property > &  properties 

Attempts to eliminate all features of this model and the given properties that are not in the given set of features.

The model features that could not be eliminated.

Definition at line 1248 of file Model.cpp.

◆ reusesActionsInComposition()

bool storm::jani::Model::reusesActionsInComposition ( ) const

Checks whether in the composition, actions are reused: That is, if the model is put in parallel composition and the same action potentially leads to multiple edges from the same state.


Definition at line 1582 of file Model.cpp.

◆ setInitialStatesRestriction()

void storm::jani::Model::setInitialStatesRestriction ( storm::expressions::Expression const &  initialStatesRestriction)

Sets the expression restricting the legal initial values of the global variables.

Definition at line 1280 of file Model.cpp.

◆ setModelType()

void storm::jani::Model::setModelType ( ModelType const &  newModelType)

Changes (only) the type declaration of the model.

Notice that this operation should be applied with great care, as it may break several algorithms. The operation is useful to e.g. make a deterministic model into a non-deterministic one.

Definition at line 125 of file Model.cpp.

◆ setName()

void storm::jani::Model::setName ( std::string const &  newName)

Sets the name of the model.

Definition at line 141 of file Model.cpp.

◆ setStandardSystemComposition()

void storm::jani::Model::setStandardSystemComposition ( )

Sets the system composition to be the fully-synchronizing parallel composition of all automat.

See also

Definition at line 1022 of file Model.cpp.

◆ setSystemComposition()

void storm::jani::Model::setSystemComposition ( std::shared_ptr< Composition > const &  composition)

Sets the system composition expression of the JANI model.

Definition at line 1018 of file Model.cpp.

◆ simplifyComposition()

void storm::jani::Model::simplifyComposition ( )

Attempts to simplify the composition.

Right now, this only means that automata that occur multiple times in the composition will be duplicated su that each automata occurs at most once.

Definition at line 985 of file Model.cpp.

◆ substitute()

void storm::jani::Model::substitute ( std::map< storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression > const &  substitution,
bool const  substituteTranscendentalNumbers 

Substitutes all expression variables in all expressions of the model.

The original model is not modified, but instead a new model is created.

Definition at line 1171 of file Model.cpp.

◆ substituteConstants()

Model storm::jani::Model::substituteConstants ( ) const

Substitutes all constants in all expressions of the model.

The original model is not modified, but instead a new model is created.

Definition at line 1144 of file Model.cpp.

◆ substituteConstantsFunctionsTranscendentals()

Model storm::jani::Model::substituteConstantsFunctionsTranscendentals ( ) const
  1. Tries to replace variables by constants (if possible).
  2. Substitutes all constants in all expressions of the model.
  3. Substitutes transcendental numbers by their actual value
  4. Afterwards, all function calls are substituted with the defining expression. The original model is not modified, but instead a new model is created.

Definition at line 1151 of file Model.cpp.

◆ substituteConstantsInPlace()

Model & storm::jani::Model::substituteConstantsInPlace ( bool const  substituteTranscendentalNumbers)

Substitutes all constants in all expressions of the model.

Definition at line 1109 of file Model.cpp.

◆ substituteFunctions() [1/2]

void storm::jani::Model::substituteFunctions ( )

Substitutes all function calls with the corresponding function definition.

propertiesalso eliminates function call expressions in the given properties

Definition at line 1210 of file Model.cpp.

◆ substituteFunctions() [2/2]

void storm::jani::Model::substituteFunctions ( std::vector< Property > &  properties)

Definition at line 1215 of file Model.cpp.

◆ undefinedConstantsAreGraphPreserving()

bool storm::jani::Model::undefinedConstantsAreGraphPreserving ( ) const

Checks that undefined constants (parameters) of the model preserve the graph of the underlying model.

That is, undefined constants may only appear in the probability expressions of edge destinations as well as on the right-hand sides of transient assignments.

Definition at line 1486 of file Model.cpp.

◆ usesAssignmentLevels()

bool storm::jani::Model::usesAssignmentLevels ( bool  onlyTransient = false) const

Retrieves whether the model uses an assignment level other than zero.

onlyTransientif set, only transient assignments are considered

Definition at line 1560 of file Model.cpp.

◆ writeDotToStream()

void storm::jani::Model::writeDotToStream ( std::ostream &  outStream = std::cout) const

Definition at line 1638 of file Model.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ Exporter

friend class Exporter

Definition at line 37 of file Model.h.

Member Data Documentation


const uint64_t storm::jani::Model::SILENT_ACTION_INDEX = 0

The index of the silent action.

Definition at line 642 of file Model.h.


const std::string storm::jani::Model::SILENT_ACTION_NAME = ""

The name of the silent action.

Definition at line 639 of file Model.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: