61 bool check()
const override;
70 static const std::string transformToGspnOptionName;
71 static const std::string disableSmartTransformationOptionName;
72 static const std::string mergeDCFailedOptionName;
73 static const std::string extendPrioritiesOptionName;
74 static const std::string writeToJaniOptionName;
This class represents the settings for operations concerning the DFT to GSPN transformation.
bool isExtendPriorities() const
Retrieves whether the experimental setting of priorities should be used.
void finalize() override
Prepares the modules for further usage, should be called at the end of the initialization,...
bool check() const override
Checks whether the settings are consistent.
bool isDisableSmartTransformation() const
Retrieves whether the smart transformation should be disabled.
static const std::string moduleName
bool isWriteToJaniSet() const
Retrieves whether the GSPN should be exported as a Jani file.
bool isTransformToGspn() const
Retrieves whether the DFT should be transformed into a GSPN.
Creates a new set of DFT-GSPN settings.
bool isMergeDCFailed() const
Retrieves whether the DC and failed place should be merged.
std::string getWriteToJaniFilename() const
Retrieves the jani filename for export.
This is the base class of the settings for a particular module.