20 "The fraction of unknown area falls below this threshold.")
25 "depth-limit",
"(advanced) If given, limits the number of times a region is refined.")
55 STORM_LOG_THROW(depth >= 0, storm::exceptions::InvalidOperationException,
"Tried to retrieve the depth limit but it was not set.");
virtual int_fast64_t getValueAsInteger() const =0
Retrieves the value of this argument as an integer.
virtual bool getHasBeenSet() const
Retrieves whether the argument has been set.
virtual double getValueAsDouble() const =0
Retrieves the value of this argument as a double.
static ArgumentBuilder createDoubleArgument(std::string const &name, std::string const &description)
Creates a double argument with the given parameters.
static ArgumentBuilder createIntegerArgument(std::string const &name, std::string const &description)
Creates an integer argument with the given parameters.
static std::shared_ptr< ArgumentValidator< double > > createDoubleRangeValidatorIncluding(double lowerBound, double upperBound)
This class provides the interface to create an option...
ArgumentBase const & getArgumentByName(std::string const &argumentName) const
Returns a reference to the argument with the specified long name.
bool getHasOptionBeenSet() const
Retrieves whether the option has been set.
This is the base class of the settings for a particular module.
void addOption(std::shared_ptr< Option > const &option)
Adds and registers the given option.
Option & getOption(std::string const &longName)
Retrieves the option with the given long name.
static const std::string moduleName
bool isPrintNoIllustrationSet() const
Retrieves whether no illustration of the result should be printed.
bool isDepthLimitSet() const
Retrieves whether a depth threshold has been set for refinement.
uint64_t getDepthLimit() const
Returns the depth threshold (if set).
double getCoverageThreshold() const
Retrieves the threshold considered for iterative region refinement.
bool isPrintFullResultSet() const
Retrieves whether the full result should be printed.
#define STORM_LOG_THROW(cond, exception, message)
const std::string printFullResultOptionName
const std::string printNoIllustrationOptionName
const std::string requestedCoverageOptionName
SettingsType const & getModule()
Get module.