6namespace modelchecker {
typename ValueType>
97 std::pair<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>, std::vector<ValueType>>
const& bsccLraValues,
98 std::vector<uint64_t>
const& inputStateToBsccIndexMap,
100 bool asEquationSystem);
Helper class for model checking queries that depend on the long run behavior of the (nondeterministic...
ValueType computeLraForBsccVi(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &stateValuesGetter, ValueGetter const &actionValuesGetter, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &bscc)
As computeLraForComponent but uses value iteration as a solution method (independent of what is set i...
std::pair< ValueType, std::vector< ValueType > > computeLraForBsccGainBias(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &stateValuesGetter, ValueGetter const &actionValuesGetter, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &bscc)
As computeLraForComponent but solves a linear equation system encoding gain and bias (independent of ...
virtual ValueType computeLraForComponent(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &stateValuesGetter, ValueGetter const &actionValuesGetter, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &component) override
std::pair< ValueType, std::vector< ValueType > > computeLraForBsccSteadyStateDistr(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &stateValuesGetter, ValueGetter const &actionValuesGetter, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &bscc)
As computeLraForComponent but does the computation by computing the long run average (steady state) d...
std::pair< storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType >, std::vector< ValueType > > buildSspMatrixVector(std::vector< ValueType > const &bsccLraValues, std::vector< uint64_t > const &inputStateToBsccIndexMap, storm::storage::BitVector const &statesNotInComponent, bool asEquationSystem)
virtual void createDecomposition() override
std::pair< bool, ValueType > computeLraForTrivialBscc(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &stateValuesGetter, ValueGetter const &actionValuesGetter, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &bscc)
SparseInfiniteHorizonHelper< ValueType, true >::ValueGetter ValueGetter
Function mapping from indices to values.
virtual std::vector< ValueType > buildAndSolveSsp(Environment const &env, std::vector< ValueType > const &mecLraValues) override
std::vector< ValueType > computeLongRunAverageStateDistribution(Environment const &env)
Computes the long run average state distribution, i.e., a vector that assigns for each state s the av...
std::vector< ValueType > computeSteadyStateDistrForBsccEVTs(Environment const &env, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &bscc)
std::vector< ValueType > computeSteadyStateDistrForBscc(Environment const &env, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &bscc)
Computes the long run average (steady state) distribution for the given BSCC.
std::vector< ValueType > computeBsccReachabilityProbabilitiesClassic(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &initialDistributionGetter)
std::vector< ValueType > computeBsccReachabilityProbabilitiesEVTs(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &initialDistributionGetter)
std::vector< ValueType > computeBsccReachabilityProbabilities(Environment const &env, ValueGetter const &initialDistributionGetter)
Computes for each BSCC the probability to reach that SCC assuming the given distribution over initial...
std::vector< ValueType > computeSteadyStateDistrForBsccEqSys(Environment const &env, storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const &bscc)
Helper class for model checking queries that depend on the long run behavior of the (nondeterministic...
std::function< ValueType(uint64_t)> ValueGetter
Function mapping from indices to values.
A bit vector that is internally represented as a vector of 64-bit values.
A class that holds a possibly non-square matrix in the compressed row storage format.
This class represents a strongly connected component, i.e., a set of states such that every state can...