A Modern Probabilistic Model Checker
No Matches
storm::pomdp::api Namespace Reference


template<typename ValueType >
storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result underapproximateWithCutoffs (std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > > pomdp, storm::modelchecker::CheckTask< storm::logic::Formula, ValueType > const &task, uint64_t sizeThreshold, std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > > additionalPomdpStateValues=std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > >())
 Uses the belief exploration with cut-offs to under-approximate the given objective on a POMDP.
template<typename ValueType >
storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result underapproximateWithoutHeuristicValues (std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > > pomdp, storm::modelchecker::CheckTask< storm::logic::Formula, ValueType > const &task, uint64_t sizeThreshold, std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > > pomdpStateValues)
 Uses the belief exploration with cut-offs without the pre-processing to generate cut-off values to under-approximate the given objective on a POMDP.
template<typename ValueType >
storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > > createInteractiveUnfoldingModelChecker (storm::Environment const &env, std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > > pomdp, bool useClipping)
 Create a model checker with the correct settings for an interactive unfolding.
template<typename ValueType >
void startInteractiveExploration (storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > > &modelchecker, storm::modelchecker::CheckTask< storm::logic::Formula, ValueType > const &task, std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > > additionalPomdpStateValues=std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > >())
 Start an interactive unfolding to under approximate the given objective.
template<typename ValueType >
std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Model< ValueType > > extractSchedulerAsMarkovChain (typename storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result modelcheckingResult)
 Extract the scheduler generated by an under-approximation from the given result struct.
template<typename ValueType >
storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > getCutoffScheduler (typename storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result modelcheckingResult, uint64_t schedId)
 Get a specific scheduler used to generate cut-off values from the result struct.
template<typename ValueType >
uint64_t getNumberOfPreprocessingSchedulers (typename storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result modelcheckingResult)
 Get the overall number of schedulers generated by the pre-processing for the under-approximation from the result struct.

Function Documentation

◆ createInteractiveUnfoldingModelChecker()

template<typename ValueType >
storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > > storm::pomdp::api::createInteractiveUnfoldingModelChecker ( storm::Environment const &  env,
std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >  pomdp,
bool  useClipping 

Create a model checker with the correct settings for an interactive unfolding.

Needs to be called first to set-up the unfolding.

Template Parameters
ValueTypenumber type to be used
envthe environment to use
pomdpthe input pomdp to be checked
useClippingtrue if clipping is to be used in addition to cut-offs
the model checker object, configured for an interactive unfolding

Definition at line 66 of file verification.h.

◆ extractSchedulerAsMarkovChain()

template<typename ValueType >
std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Model< ValueType > > storm::pomdp::api::extractSchedulerAsMarkovChain ( typename storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result  modelcheckingResult)

Extract the scheduler generated by an under-approximation from the given result struct.

The scheduler is represented by a Markov chain.

Template Parameters
ValueTypenumber type to be used
modelcheckingResultthe result struct containing the scheduler
the scheduler represented by a Markov chain.

Definition at line 104 of file verification.h.

◆ getCutoffScheduler()

template<typename ValueType >
storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > storm::pomdp::api::getCutoffScheduler ( typename storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result  modelcheckingResult,
uint64_t  schedId 

Get a specific scheduler used to generate cut-off values from the result struct.

Template Parameters
ValueTypenumber type to be used
modelcheckingResultthe result struct
schedIdthe ID of the scheduler used during the exploration. This corresponds to the labels in the scheduler MC.
the desired scheduler

Definition at line 117 of file verification.h.

◆ getNumberOfPreprocessingSchedulers()

template<typename ValueType >
uint64_t storm::pomdp::api::getNumberOfPreprocessingSchedulers ( typename storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result  modelcheckingResult)

Get the overall number of schedulers generated by the pre-processing for the under-approximation from the result struct.

Template Parameters
ValueTypenumber type to be used
modelcheckingResultthe result struct
the number of schedulers

Definition at line 130 of file verification.h.

◆ startInteractiveExploration()

template<typename ValueType >
void storm::pomdp::api::startInteractiveExploration ( storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > > &  modelchecker,
storm::modelchecker::CheckTask< storm::logic::Formula, ValueType > const &  task,
std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > >  additionalPomdpStateValues = std::vector<std::vector<std::unordered_map<uint64_t, ValueType>>>() 

Start an interactive unfolding to under approximate the given objective.

Template Parameters
ValueTypenumber type to be used
modelcheckerthe model checker object configured for the interactive unfolding
taskthe check task to be performed
additionalPomdpStateValuesadditional values that can be used for cut-offs in the under-approximation (generated by finite memory schedulers). Each element of the outer vector represents a scheduler. Each scheduler itself is represented by a vector of maps representing (memory node x state) -> value

Definition at line 90 of file verification.h.

◆ underapproximateWithCutoffs()

template<typename ValueType >
storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result storm::pomdp::api::underapproximateWithCutoffs ( std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >  pomdp,
storm::modelchecker::CheckTask< storm::logic::Formula, ValueType > const &  task,
uint64_t  sizeThreshold,
std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > >  additionalPomdpStateValues = std::vector<std::vector<std::unordered_map<uint64_t, ValueType>>>() 

Uses the belief exploration with cut-offs to under-approximate the given objective on a POMDP.

Template Parameters
ValueTypenumber type to be used
pomdpthe input pomdp to be checked
taskthe check task to be performed
sizeThresholdnumber of states up to which the belief MDP should be unfolded
pomdpStateValuesadditional values that can be used for cut-offs in the under-approximation (generated by finite memory schedulers). Each element of the outer vector represents a scheduler. Each scheduler itself is represented by a vector of maps representing (memory node x state) -> value
the result structure

Definition at line 19 of file verification.h.

◆ underapproximateWithoutHeuristicValues()

template<typename ValueType >
storm::pomdp::modelchecker::BeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >::Result storm::pomdp::api::underapproximateWithoutHeuristicValues ( std::shared_ptr< storm::models::sparse::Pomdp< ValueType > >  pomdp,
storm::modelchecker::CheckTask< storm::logic::Formula, ValueType > const &  task,
uint64_t  sizeThreshold,
std::vector< std::vector< std::unordered_map< uint64_t, ValueType > > >  pomdpStateValues 

Uses the belief exploration with cut-offs without the pre-processing to generate cut-off values to under-approximate the given objective on a POMDP.

Cut-off values need to be provided in the form of a vector of vectors representing finite memory schedulers.

Template Parameters
ValueTypenumber type to be used
pomdpthe input pomdp to be checked
taskthe check task to be performed
sizeThresholdnumber of states up to which the belief MDP should be unfolded
pomdpStateValuesadditional values that can be used for cut-offs in the under-approximation (generated by finite memory schedulers). Each element of the outer vector represents a scheduler. Each scheduler itself is represented by a vector of maps representing (memory node x state) -> value
the result structure

Definition at line 44 of file verification.h.