typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
24 : direction(direction), trackScheduler(false), uniqueSolution(false), noEndComponents(false), cachingEnabled(false), requirementsChecked(false) {
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
35 std::vector<ValueType>
const& b)
const {
37 "The requirements of the solver have not been marked as checked. Please provide the appropriate check or mark the requirements "
38 "as checked (if applicable).");
39 return internalSolveEquations(env, d, x, b);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
44 std::vector<ValueType>
const& b)
const {
isSet(this->direction), storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException,
"Optimization direction not set.");
46 solveEquations(env,
convert(this->direction), x, b);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
61 uniqueSolution = value;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
66 return uniqueSolution || noEndComponents;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
71 noEndComponents = value;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
76 return noEndComponents;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
81 this->trackScheduler = trackScheduler;
82 if (!this->trackScheduler) {
83 schedulerChoices = boost::none;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
89 return this->trackScheduler;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
94 return static_cast<bool>(schedulerChoices);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
99 STORM_LOG_THROW(hasScheduler(), storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException,
"Cannot retrieve scheduler, because none was generated.");
101 uint_fast64_t state = 0;
102 for (
auto const& schedulerChoice : schedulerChoices.get()) {
103 result.
setChoice(schedulerChoice, state);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
111 STORM_LOG_THROW(hasScheduler(), storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException,
"Cannot retrieve scheduler choices, because they were not generated.");
112 return schedulerChoices.get();
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
117 if (cachingEnabled && !value) {
121 cachingEnabled = value;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
126 return cachingEnabled;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
136 initialScheduler = std::move(choices);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
141 return static_cast<bool>(initialScheduler);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
146 return initialScheduler.get();
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
151 Environment const&, boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection>
const& direction,
bool const& hasInitialScheduler)
const {
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
157 this->requirementsChecked = value;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
162 return requirementsChecked;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
167 STORM_LOG_ASSERT(this->hasInitialScheduler(),
"Expecting an initial scheduler to be set before setting the states for which the choices are fixed");
168 this->choiceFixedForRowGroup = std::move(schedulerFixedForRowGroup);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
178 this->requirementsChecked = value;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
183 return this->requirementsChecked;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
188 this->robustUncertainty = robust;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
193 return this->robustUncertainty;
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
198 Environment const& env,
bool hasUniqueSolution,
bool hasNoEndComponents, boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection>
const& direction,
199 bool hasInitialScheduler,
bool trackScheduler)
const {
201 std::unique_ptr<MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType, SolutionType>> solver = this->create(env);
202 solver->setTrackScheduler(trackScheduler);
203 solver->setHasUniqueSolution(hasUniqueSolution);
204 solver->setHasNoEndComponents(hasNoEndComponents);
205 return solver->getRequirements(env, direction, hasInitialScheduler);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
211 std::unique_ptr<MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType, SolutionType>> solver = this->create(env);
212 solver->setMatrix(matrix);
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
219 std::unique_ptr<MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType, SolutionType>> solver = this->create(env);
220 solver->setMatrix(std::move(matrix));
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
typename ValueType,
typename SolutionType>
233 std::unique_ptr<MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType, SolutionType>> result;
234 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, storm::Interval>) {
236 return std::make_unique<IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType, SolutionType>>();
240 if (method == MinMaxMethod::ValueIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::PolicyIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::RationalSearch ||
241 method == MinMaxMethod::IntervalIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::SoundValueIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::OptimisticValueIteration ||
242 method == MinMaxMethod::ViToPi) {
243 result = std::make_unique<IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType, SolutionType>>(
244 std::make_unique<GeneralLinearEquationSolverFactory<ValueType>>());
245 }
else if (method == MinMaxMethod::Topological) {
246 result = std::make_unique<TopologicalMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>>();
247 }
else if (method == MinMaxMethod::LinearProgramming || method == MinMaxMethod::ViToLp) {
248 result = std::make_unique<LpMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>>(storm::utility::solver::getLpSolverFactory<ValueType>());
249 }
else if (method == MinMaxMethod::Acyclic) {
250 result = std::make_unique<AcyclicMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>>();
false, storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException,
"Unsupported technique.");
254 result->setRequirementsChecked(this->isRequirementsCheckedSet());
262 std::unique_ptr<MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<storm::RationalNumber>> result;
264 if (method == MinMaxMethod::ValueIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::PolicyIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::RationalSearch ||
265 method == MinMaxMethod::IntervalIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::SoundValueIteration || method == MinMaxMethod::OptimisticValueIteration ||
266 method == MinMaxMethod::ViToPi) {
267 result = std::make_unique<IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<storm::RationalNumber>>(
268 std::make_unique<GeneralLinearEquationSolverFactory<storm::RationalNumber>>());
269 }
else if (method == MinMaxMethod::LinearProgramming || method == MinMaxMethod::ViToLp) {
270 result = std::make_unique<LpMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<storm::RationalNumber>>(storm::utility::solver::getLpSolverFactory<storm::RationalNumber>());
271 }
else if (method == MinMaxMethod::Acyclic) {
272 result = std::make_unique<AcyclicMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<storm::RationalNumber>>();
273 }
else if (method == MinMaxMethod::Topological) {
274 result = std::make_unique<TopologicalMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<storm::RationalNumber>>();
false, storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException,
"Unsupported technique.");
278 result->setRequirementsChecked(this->isRequirementsCheckedSet());
SolverEnvironment & solver()
storm::solver::MinMaxMethod const & getMethod() const
MinMaxSolverEnvironment & minMax()
virtual std::unique_ptr< MinMaxLinearEquationSolver< ValueType, SolutionType > > create(Environment const &env) const override
MinMaxLinearEquationSolverRequirements getRequirements(Environment const &env, bool hasUniqueSolution=false, bool hasNoEndComponents=false, boost::optional< storm::solver::OptimizationDirection > const &direction=boost::none, bool hasInitialScheduler=false, bool trackScheduler=false) const
Retrieves the requirements of the solver that would be created when calling create() right now.
std::unique_ptr< MinMaxLinearEquationSolver< ValueType, SolutionType > > create(Environment const &env, storm::storage::SparseMatrix< ValueType > const &matrix) const
bool isRequirementsCheckedSet() const
void setRequirementsChecked(bool value=true)
A class representing the interface that all min-max linear equation solvers shall implement.
virtual ~MinMaxLinearEquationSolver()
virtual void setSchedulerFixedForRowGroup(storm::storage::BitVector &&schedulerFixedForRowGroup)
Sets the states for which the choices are fixed.
void unsetOptimizationDirection()
Unsets the optimization direction to use for calls to methods that do not explicitly provide one.
storm::storage::Scheduler< ValueType > computeScheduler() const
Retrieves the generated scheduler.
void setHasUniqueSolution(bool value=true)
Sets whether the solution to the min max equation system is known to be unique.
void setUncertaintyIsRobust(bool robust)
Set whether uncertainty should be interpreted adverserially (robust) or not.
bool solveEquations(Environment const &env, OptimizationDirection d, std::vector< SolutionType > &x, std::vector< ValueType > const &b) const
Solves the equation system x = min/max(A*x + b) given by the parameters.
virtual void clearCache() const
Clears the currently cached data that has been stored during previous calls of the solver.
void setOptimizationDirection(OptimizationDirection direction)
Sets an optimization direction to use for calls to methods that do not explicitly provide one.
MinMaxLinearEquationSolver(OptimizationDirectionSetting direction=OptimizationDirectionSetting::Unset)
void setInitialScheduler(std::vector< uint_fast64_t > &&choices)
Sets a valid initial scheduler that is required by some solvers (see requirements of solvers).
bool hasScheduler() const
Retrieves whether the solver generated a scheduler.
std::vector< uint_fast64_t > const & getSchedulerChoices() const
Retrieves the generated (deterministic) choices of the optimal scheduler.
std::vector< uint_fast64_t > const & getInitialScheduler() const
Retrieves the initial scheduler if one was set.
void setRequirementsChecked(bool value=true)
Notifies the solver that the requirements for solving equations have been checked.
bool hasUniqueSolution() const
Retrieves whether the solution to the min max equation system is assumed to be unique.
virtual MinMaxLinearEquationSolverRequirements getRequirements(Environment const &env, boost::optional< storm::solver::OptimizationDirection > const &direction=boost::none, bool const &hasInitialScheduler=false) const
Retrieves the requirements of this solver for solving equations with the current settings.
void setHasNoEndComponents(bool value=true)
Sets whether the min max equation system is known to not have any end components.
bool isUncertaintyRobust() const
Is the uncertainty to be interpreted robustly (adverserially) or not?
bool isTrackSchedulerSet() const
Retrieves whether this solver is set to generate schedulers.
bool hasNoEndComponents() const
Retrieves whether the min max equation system is known to not have any end components.
void setCachingEnabled(bool value)
Sets whether some of the generated data during solver calls should be cached.
bool isRequirementsCheckedSet() const
Retrieves whether the solver is aware that the requirements were checked.
bool isCachingEnabled() const
Retrieves whether some of the generated data during solver calls should be cached.
bool hasInitialScheduler() const
Returns true iff an initial scheduler is set.
void setTrackScheduler(bool trackScheduler=true)
Sets whether schedulers are generated when solving equation systems.
A bit vector that is internally represented as a vector of 64-bit values.
This class defines which action is chosen in a particular state of a non-deterministic model.
void setChoice(SchedulerChoice< ValueType > const &choice, uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState=0)
Sets the choice defined by the scheduler for the given state.
A class that holds a possibly non-square matrix in the compressed row storage format.
#define STORM_LOG_ASSERT(cond, message)
#define STORM_LOG_THROW(cond, exception, message)
#define STORM_LOG_WARN_COND_DEBUG(cond, message)
OptimizationDirection convert(OptimizationDirectionSetting s)
bool isSet(OptimizationDirectionSetting s)