14 expression->
this, boost::none);
115 if (base == storm::utility::convertNumber<storm::RationalNumber, uint64_t>(2ull)) {
120 }
else if (base == storm::utility::convertNumber<storm::RationalNumber, uint64_t>(10ull)) {
256 stream << std::scientific << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10) <<
"(" << expression.
getValueAsDouble() <<
The base class of all expression classes.
virtual boost::any accept(ExpressionVisitor &visitor, boost::any const &data) const =0
Accepts the given visitor by calling its visit method.
OperatorType getOperatorType() const
Retrieves the operator associated with the expression.
std::shared_ptr< BaseExpression const > const & getSecondOperand() const
Retrieves the second operand of the expression.
std::shared_ptr< BaseExpression const > const & getFirstOperand() const
Retrieves the first operand of the expression.
OperatorType getOperatorType() const
Retrieves the operator associated with the expression.
RelationType getRelationType() const
Retrieves the relation associated with the expression.
bool getValue() const
Retrieves the value of the boolean literal.
std::shared_ptr< BaseExpression const > const & getBaseExpressionPointer() const
Retrieves a pointer to the base expression underlying this expression object.
std::shared_ptr< BaseExpression const > getElseExpression() const
Retrieves the else expression of the if-then-else expression.
std::shared_ptr< BaseExpression const > getCondition() const
Retrieves the condition expression of the if-then-else expression.
std::shared_ptr< BaseExpression const > getThenExpression() const
Retrieves the then expression of the if-then-else expression.
int_fast64_t getValue() const
Retrieves the value of the integer literal.
double getValueAsDouble() const
Retrieves the value of the double literal.
std::string toString(Expression const &expression)
virtual boost::any visit(IfThenElseExpression const &expression, boost::any const &data) override
OperatorType getOperatorType() const
Retrieves the operator associated with this expression.
virtual std::shared_ptr< BaseExpression const > getOperand(uint_fast64_t operandIndex) const override
Retrieves the given operand from the expression.
OperatorType getOperatorType() const
Retrieves the operator associated with this expression.
Variable const & getVariable() const
Retrieves the variable associated with this expression.
uint_fast64_t getIndex() const
Retrieves the index of the variable.