A Modern Probabilistic Model Checker
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storm-dft.h File Reference
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namespace  storm
namespace  storm::dft
namespace  storm::dft::api


template<typename ValueType >
std::shared_ptr< storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > > storm::dft::api::loadDFTGalileoFile (std::string const &file)
 Load DFT from Galileo file.
template<typename ValueType >
std::shared_ptr< storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > > storm::dft::api::loadDFTJsonString (std::string const &jsonString)
 Load DFT from JSON string.
template<typename ValueType >
std::shared_ptr< storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > > storm::dft::api::loadDFTJsonFile (std::string const &file)
 Load DFT from JSON file.
template<typename ValueType >
std::pair< bool, std::string > storm::dft::api::isWellFormed (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, bool validForMarkovianAnalysis=true)
 Check whether the DFT is well-formed.
template<typename ValueType >
std::shared_ptr< storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > > storm::dft::api::applyTransformations (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, bool uniqueBE, bool binaryFDEP, bool exponentialDistributions)
 Apply transformations for DFT.
template<typename ValueType >
std::shared_ptr< storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > > storm::dft::api::prepareForMarkovAnalysis (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft)
 Apply transformations to make DFT feasible for Markovian analysis.
template<typename ValueType >
std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > storm::dft::api::computeBEFailureBounds (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, bool useSMT, double solverTimeout)
template<typename ValueType >
bool storm::dft::api::computeDependencyConflicts (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > &dft, bool useSMT, double solverTimeout)
storm::dft::utility::RelevantEvents storm::dft::api::computeRelevantEvents (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< storm::logic::Formula const > > const &properties, std::vector< std::string > const &additionalRelevantEventNames)
 Get relevant event ids from given relevant event names and labels in properties.
template<typename ValueType >
storm::dft::modelchecker::DFTModelChecker< ValueType >::dft_results storm::dft::api::analyzeDFT (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< storm::logic::Formula const > > const &properties, bool symred=true, bool allowModularisation=true, storm::dft::utility::RelevantEvents const &relevantEvents={}, bool allowDCForRelevant=false, double approximationError=0.0, storm::dft::builder::ApproximationHeuristic approximationHeuristic=storm::dft::builder::ApproximationHeuristic::DEPTH, bool eliminateChains=false, storm::transformer::EliminationLabelBehavior labelBehavior=storm::transformer::EliminationLabelBehavior::KeepLabels, bool printOutput=false)
 Compute the exact or approximate analysis result of the given DFT according to the given properties.
template<typename ValueType >
void storm::dft::api::analyzeDFTBdd (std::shared_ptr< storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > > const &dft, bool const exportToDot, std::string const &filename, bool const calculateMttf, double const mttfPrecision, double const mttfStepsize, std::string const mttfAlgorithmName, bool const calculateMCS, bool const calculateProbability, bool const useModularisation, std::string const importanceMeasureName, std::vector< double > const &timepoints, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< storm::logic::Formula const > > const &properties, std::vector< std::string > const &additionalRelevantEventNames, size_t const chunksize)
 Analyze the DFT using BDDs.
template<typename ValueType >
void storm::dft::api::analyzeDFTSMT (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, bool printOutput)
 Analyze the DFT using the SMT encoding.
template<typename ValueType >
void storm::dft::api::exportDFTToJsonFile (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, std::string const &file)
 Export DFT to JSON file.
template<typename ValueType >
std::string storm::dft::api::exportDFTToJsonString (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft)
 Export DFT to JSON string.
template<typename ValueType >
void storm::dft::api::exportDFTToSMT (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft, std::string const &file)
 Export DFT to SMT encoding.
template<typename ValueType >
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< storm::gspn::GSPN >, uint64_t > storm::dft::api::transformToGSPN (storm::dft::storage::DFT< ValueType > const &dft)
 Transform DFT to GSPN.
std::shared_ptr< storm::jani::Modelstorm::dft::api::transformToJani (storm::gspn::GSPN const &gspn, uint64_t toplevelFailedPlace)
 Transform GSPN to Jani model.