►Ncarl | |
CCache | |
CFactorizedPolynomial | |
CInterval | |
CRationalFunction | |
►NEigen | |
CNumTraits< storm::RationalNumber > | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< Eigen::Matrix< ValueType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > > | |
Chash< std::pair< uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t > > | |
Chash< storm::dd::InternalBdd< storm::dd::DdType::CUDD > > | |
Chash< storm::dd::InternalBdd< storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan > > | |
Chash< storm::generator::ObservationDenseBeliefState< T > > | |
Chash< storm::generator::SparseBeliefState< T > > | |
Chash< storm::storage::BitVector > | |
Chash< storm::storage::StateActionPair > | |
Chash< storm::storage::StateActionTarget > | |
►Nstorm | LabParser.cpp |
►Nadapters | |
CAddExpressionAdapter | |
CDereferenceIteratorAdapter | |
CDereferencer | |
CEigenAdapter | |
CGmmxxAdapter | |
CSmt2ExpressionAdapter | |
►Nanalysis | |
CAssumptionChecker | |
CAssumptionMaker | |
CConstraintCollector | Class to collect constraints on parametric Markov chains |
CConstraintType | |
CConstraintType< ValueType, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< storm::RationalFunction, ValueType >::value >::type > | |
CLocalMonotonicityResult | |
CMonotonicityChecker | |
CMonotonicityHelper | |
CMonotonicityResult | |
►COrder | |
CNode | Nodes of the Reachability Order |
COrderExtender | |
CQualitativeAnalysisOnGraphs | |
CUniqueObservationStates | |
►Napi | |
CMonotonicitySetting | |
►Nautomata | |
CAcceptanceCondition | |
CAPSet | |
CDeterministicAutomaton | |
CHOAConsumerDA | |
►CHOAConsumerDAHeader | |
Cheader_parsing_done | |
CHOAHeader | |
CLTL2DeterministicAutomaton | |
►Nbuilder | |
►CBeliefMdpExplorer | |
CSuccessorObservationInformation | |
CBuilderOptions | |
►CCombinedEdgesSystemComposer | |
CActionDd | |
CActionIdentification | |
CActionIdentificationHash | |
CActionInstantiation | |
CActionInstantiationHash | |
CAutomatonDd | |
CEdgeDd | |
CComposerResult | |
CCompositionVariableCreator | |
CCompositionVariables | |
►CDdJaniModelBuilder | |
COptions | |
►CDdPrismModelBuilder | |
CGenerationInformation | |
COptions | |
CSystemResult | |
CEdgeDestinationDd | |
►CExplicitModelBuilder | |
COptions | |
CExplicitStateLookup | |
CJaniGSPNBuilder | |
CLabelOrExpression | |
CModelComponents | |
CModuleComposer | |
CParallelCompositionBuilder | Build a parallel composition of Markov chains |
CParameterCreator | |
CParameterCreator< Type, storm::RationalFunction > | |
CRewardModelBuilder | A structure that is used to keep track of a reward model currently being built |
CRewardModelInformation | |
CStateAndChoiceInformationBuilder | This class collects information regarding the states and choices during model building |
CSystemComposer | |
CTerminalStates | |
►Ncli | |
CModelProcessingInformation | |
CPostprocessingIdentity | |
CSymbolicInput | |
►Nconverter | |
CJaniConversionOptions | |
CPrismToJaniConverterOptions | |
►Ncounterexamples | |
CCounterexample | |
CHighLevelCounterexample | |
CMILPMinimalLabelSetGenerator | This class provides functionality to generate a minimal counterexample to a probabilistic reachability property in terms of used labels |
CPathCounterexample | |
►CSMTMinimalLabelSetGenerator | This class provides functionality to generate a minimal counterexample to a probabilistic reachability property in terms of used labels |
CCexInput | |
CGeneratorStats | |
COptions | |
►Ndd | |
►Nbisimulation | |
CInternalRepresentativeComputer | |
CInternalRepresentativeComputer< storm::dd::DdType::CUDD > | |
CInternalRepresentativeComputer< storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan > | |
CInternalRepresentativeComputerBase | |
CInternalSignatureRefiner | |
CInternalSignatureRefiner< storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, ValueType > | |
CInternalSignatureRefiner< storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, ValueType > | |
CInternalSignatureRefinerOptions | |
CInternalSparseQuotientExtractor | |
CInternalSparseQuotientExtractor< storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, ValueType > | |
CInternalSparseQuotientExtractor< storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, ValueType, ExportValueType > | |
CInternalSparseQuotientExtractorBase | |
CInternalSylvanSignatureRefinerBase | |
CNondeterministicModelPartitionRefiner | |
CPartialQuotientExtractor | |
CPartition | |
CPartitionRefiner | |
CPreservationInformation | |
CQuotientExtractor | |
CReuseWrapper | |
CSignature | |
CSignatureComputer | |
CSignatureIterator | |
CSignatureRefiner | |
►CAdd | |
CMatrixAndLabeling | Converts the ADD to a row-grouped (sparse) matrix |
CAddIterator | |
CAddIterator< DdType::CUDD, ValueType > | |
CAddIterator< DdType::Sylvan, ValueType > | |
CBdd | |
CBisimulationDecomposition | |
CCuddPointerPairHash | |
CDd | |
CDdManager | |
CDdMetaVariable | |
CFromVectorHelper | |
CFromVectorHelper< LibraryType, storm::RationalFunction > | |
CInternalAdd | |
CInternalAdd< DdType::CUDD, ValueType > | |
CInternalAdd< DdType::Sylvan, ValueType > | |
CInternalBdd | |
CInternalBdd< DdType::CUDD > | |
CInternalBdd< DdType::Sylvan > | |
CInternalDdManager | |
CInternalDdManager< DdType::CUDD > | |
CInternalDdManager< DdType::Sylvan > | |
COdd | |
CSylvanMTBDDPairHash | |
CSylvanMTBDDPairLess | |
►Nderivative | |
►CGradientDescentInstantiationSearcher | |
CVisualizationPoint | A point in the Gradient Descent walk, recorded if recordRun is set to true in the constructor (false by default) |
CSignedGradientDescentTerminationCondition | |
CSparseDerivativeInstantiationModelChecker | |
►Ndft | |
►Nadapters | |
CSFTBDDPropertyFormulaAdapter | |
►Nbuilder | |
CDFTBuilder | |
CDFTExplorationHeuristic | General super class for approximation heuristics |
CDFTExplorationHeuristicBoundDifference | |
CDFTExplorationHeuristicDepth | |
CDFTExplorationHeuristicProbability | |
CExplicitDFTModelBuilder | Build a Markov chain from DFT |
►Ngenerator | |
CDftNextStateGenerator | Next state generator for DFTs |
►Nmodelchecker | |
CAnd | |
CBetweenValues | |
CDependencyPair | |
CDFTASFChecker | |
►CDFTModelChecker | Analyser for DFTs |
CResultOutputVisitor | |
CDftModularizationChecker | DFT analysis via modularization |
CFalseCountIsEqualConstant | |
CIff | |
CIfThenElse | |
CImplies | |
CIsBoolValue | |
CIsConstantValue | |
CIsEqual | |
CIsGreaterConstant | |
CIsGreaterEqual | |
CIsGreaterEqualConstant | |
CIsLess | |
CIsLessConstant | |
CIsLessEqual | |
CIsLessEqualConstant | |
CIsMaximum | |
CIsMinimum | |
CIsNotConstantValue | |
CIsTrue | |
CIsUnequal | |
COr | |
CPairwiseDifferent | |
CSFTBDDChecker | Main class for the SFTBDDChecker |
CSmtConstraint | |
CSorted | |
CSpareAndChildPair | |
CTrueCountIsConstantValue | |
CTrueCountIsLessConstant | |
►Nparser | |
CDFTGalileoParser | Parser for DFT in the Galileo format |
CDFTJsonParser | Parser for DFT in custom JSON format |
►Nsettings | |
►Nmodules | |
CDftGspnSettings | This class represents the settings for operations concerning the DFT to GSPN transformation |
CDftIOSettings | This class represents the settings for IO operations concerning DFTs |
CFaultTreeSettings | This class represents the settings for DFT model checking |
►Nsimulator | |
CBECountImportanceFunction | Importance function based on counting the number of currently failed BEs |
CDFTTraceSimulator | Simulator for DFTs |
CImportanceFunction | Abstract class for importance functions |
►Nstorage | |
►Nelements | |
CBEConst | BE which is either constant failed or constant failsafe |
CBEErlang | BE with Erlang failure distribution |
CBEExponential | BE with exponential failure distribution |
CBELogNormal | BE with log-normal failure distribution |
CBEProbability | BE with constant (Bernoulli) failure probability distribution |
CBESamples | BE where the failure distribution is defined by samples |
CBEWeibull | BE with Weibull failure distribution |
CDFTAnd | AND gate |
CDFTBE | Abstract base class for basic events (BEs) in DFTs |
CDFTChildren | Abstract base class for a DFT element with children |
CDFTDependency | Dependency gate with probability p |
CDFTElement | Abstract base class for DFT elements |
CDFTGate | Abstract base class for gates |
CDFTMutex | Mutex restriction (MUTEX) |
CDFTOr | OR gate |
CDFTPand | Priority AND (PAND) gate |
CDFTPor | Priority OR (POR) gate |
CDFTRestriction | Abstract base class for restrictions |
CDFTSeq | Sequence enforcer (SEQ) |
CDFTSpare | SPARE gate |
CDFTVot | VOT gate with threshold k |
CBEColourClass | |
CBijectionCandidates | |
CBucketPriorityQueue | Priority queue based on buckets |
CDFT | Represents a Dynamic Fault Tree |
CDFTColouring | |
CDFTElementSort | |
CDftIndependentModule | Represents an independent module/subtree |
CDFTIsomorphismCheck | Saves isomorphism between subtrees |
CDftJsonExporter | Exports a DFT into the JSON format |
CDFTLayoutInfo | |
CDftModule | Represents a module/subtree in a DFT |
CDFTState | |
CDFTStateGenerationInfo | |
CDFTStateSpaceGenerationQueues | |
CDftSymmetries | |
►CFailableElements | Handling of currently failable elements (BEs) either due to their own failure or because of dependencies |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator for failable elements |
CGateGroupToHash | |
COrderElementsById | |
COrderElementsByRank | |
CSylvanBddManager | Simple Manager for Sylvan |
►Ntransformations | |
CDftInstantiator | Instantiator to yield a concrete DFT from a parametric DFT (with parametric failure rates) |
CDftToGspnTransformator | Transformator for DFT -> GSPN |
CDftTransformer | Transformer for operations on DFT |
CSftToBddTransformator | Transformator for DFT -> BDD |
►Nutility | |
CDftModularizer | Find modules (independent subtrees) in DFT |
CDftValidator | |
CFailureBoundFinder | |
CFDEPConflictFinder | |
CRelevantEvents | |
CSymmetryFinder | |
►Nexceptions | |
CBaseException | This class represents the base class of all exception classes |
►Nexpressions | |
CArrayAccessExpression | Represents an access to an array |
CArrayExpression | The base class of all array expressions |
CArrayType | |
CBaseExpression | The base class of all expression classes |
CBaseType | |
CBinaryBooleanFunctionExpression | |
CBinaryExpression | The base class of all binary expressions |
CBinaryNumericalFunctionExpression | |
CBinaryRelationExpression | |
CBitVectorType | |
CBooleanLiteralExpression | |
CBooleanType | |
CChangeManagerVisitor | |
CCheckIfThenElseGuardVisitor | |
CCompiledExpression | |
CConstructorArrayExpression | Represents an array of the given size, where the i'th entry is determined by the elementExpression, where occurrences of indexVar will be substituted by i |
CEquivalenceChecker | |
CErrorType | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionEvaluator | |
CExpressionEvaluator< double > | |
CExpressionEvaluatorBase | |
CExpressionEvaluatorWithVariableToExpressionMap | |
CExpressionManager | This class is responsible for managing a set of typed variables and all expressions using these variables |
CExpressionVisitor | |
CExprtkCompiledExpression | |
CExprtkExpressionEvaluator | |
CExprtkExpressionEvaluatorBase | |
CFullPredicateSplitter | |
CFunctionCallExpression | Represents an array with a given list of elements |
CIfThenElseExpression | |
CIntegerLiteralExpression | |
CIntegerType | |
CJaniExpressionSubstitutionVisitor | |
CJaniExpressionVisitor | |
CJaniReduceNestingExpressionVisitor | |
CJaniSyntacticalEqualityCheckVisitor | |
►CLinearCoefficientVisitor | |
CVariableCoefficients | |
CLinearityCheckVisitor | |
CPredicateExpression | The base class of all binary expressions |
CRationalFunctionToExpression | |
CRationalLiteralExpression | |
CRationalType | |
CReduceNestingVisitor | |
CRestrictSyntaxVisitor | |
CSimpleValuation | A simple implementation of the valuation interface |
CSimpleValuationPointerCompare | A helper class that can be used as the comparison functor wrt |
CSimpleValuationPointerHash | A helper class that can pe used as the hash functor for data structures that need to hash valuations given via pointers |
CSimpleValuationPointerLess | A helper class that can be used as the comparison functor wrt |
CSubstitutionVisitor | |
CSyntacticalEqualityCheckVisitor | |
CToCppTranslationOptions | |
CToCppVisitor | |
CToDiceStringVisitor | |
CToExprtkStringVisitor | |
CToRationalNumberVisitor | |
CTranscendentalNumberLiteralExpression | |
CTranscendentalNumberType | |
CType | |
CUnaryBooleanFunctionExpression | |
CUnaryExpression | |
CUnaryNumericalFunctionExpression | |
CValuation | The base class of all valuations of variables |
CValueArrayExpression | Represents an array with a given list of elements |
CVariable | |
CVariableExpression | |
CVariableIterator | |
CVariableSetPredicateSplitter | |
►Ngbar | |
►Nabstraction | |
►Njani | |
CAutomatonAbstractor | |
CEdgeAbstractor | |
CJaniMenuGameAbstractor | |
►Nprism | |
CCommandAbstractor | |
CModuleAbstractor | |
CPrismMenuGameAbstractor | |
CAbstractionInformation | |
CAbstractionInformationOptions | |
CBottomStateResult | |
CExplicitDijkstraQueueElement | |
CExplicitDijkstraQueueElementLess | |
CExplicitPivotStateResult | |
CExplicitQualitativeGameResult | |
CExplicitQualitativeGameResultMinMax | |
CExplicitQualitativeResult | |
CExplicitQualitativeResultMinMax | |
CExplicitQuantitativeResult | |
CExplicitQuantitativeResultMinMax | |
CExpressionTranslator | |
CGameBddResult | |
CLocalExpressionInformation | |
CMenuGame | This class represents a discrete-time stochastic two-player game |
CMenuGameAbstractor | |
CMenuGameAbstractorOptions | |
CMenuGameRefiner | |
CMenuGameRefinerOptions | |
CPivotStateCandidatesResult | |
CQualitativeResult | |
CQualitativeResultMinMax | |
CRefinementCommand | |
CRefinementPredicates | |
CStateSet | |
CStateSetAbstractor | |
CSymbolicMostProbablePathsResult | |
CSymbolicPivotStateResult | |
CSymbolicQualitativeGameResult | |
CSymbolicQualitativeGameResultMinMax | |
CSymbolicQualitativeMdpResult | |
CSymbolicQualitativeMdpResultMinMax | |
CSymbolicQualitativeResult | |
CSymbolicQualitativeResultMinMax | |
CSymbolicQuantitativeGameResult | |
CSymbolicQuantitativeGameResultMinMax | |
CSymbolicStateSet | |
CValidBlockAbstractor | |
CVariableSetHash | |
►Napi | |
CAbstractionRefinementOptions | |
►Nmodelchecker | |
►Ndetail | |
CPreviousExplicitResult | |
CAbstractAbstractionRefinementModelChecker | |
CBisimulationAbstractionRefinementModelChecker | |
CExplicitGameExporter | |
CGameBasedMdpModelChecker | |
CGameBasedMdpModelCheckerOptions | |
►Ngenerator | |
CActionMask | Action masks are arguments you can give to the state generator that limit which states are generated |
CActiveCommandData | |
CArrayVariableReplacementInformation | |
CBeliefStateManager | This class keeps track of common information of a set of beliefs |
CBeliefSupportTracker | |
CBooleanVariableInformation | |
CChoice | |
CDistribution | |
CDistributionEntry | |
CIntegerVariableInformation | |
CJaniNextStateGenerator | |
CLocationVariableInformation | |
CNextStateGenerator | |
►CNondeterministicBeliefTracker | This tracker implements state estimation for POMDPs |
COptions | |
CObservationDenseBeliefState | ObservationDenseBeliefState stores beliefs in a dense format (per observation) |
CObservationLabelInformation | |
CPrismNextStateGenerator | |
CSparseBeliefState | SparseBeliefState stores beliefs in a sparse format |
CStateBehavior | |
CStateValuationFunctionMask | A particular instance of the action mask that uses a callback function to evaluate whether an action should be expanded |
CTransientVariableData | |
CTransientVariableInformation | |
CTransientVariableValuation | |
CVariableInformation | |
►Ngspn | |
CGspnBuilder | |
CGspnJsonExporter | Exports a GSPN into the JSON format for visualizing it |
CImmediateTransition | |
CLayoutInfo | |
CMarking | |
CPlace | This class provides methods to store and retrieve data for a place in a gspn |
CTimedTransition | |
CTransition | This class represents a transition in a gspn |
CTransitionPartition | |
►Nio | |
CDirectEncodingOptions | |
►Njani | |
►Ndetail | |
CArrayEliminatorDataCollector | Gets the data necessary for array elimination |
►CArrayExpressionEliminationVisitor | Eliminates the array accesses in the given expression, for example ([[1],[2,3]])[i][j] --> i=0 ? [1][j] : [2,3][j] --> i=0 ? 1 : (j=0 ? 2 : 3) |
CResultType | |
CArrayExpressionFinderExpressionVisitor | |
CArrayExpressionFinderTraverser | |
CArrayReplacementsCollectorExpressionVisitor | |
CArrayVariableReplacer | |
CConstEdges | |
CEdges | |
CFunctionCallExpressionFinderExpressionVisitor | |
CFunctionCallExpressionFinderTraverser | |
CFunctionEliminationExpressionVisitor | |
CFunctionEliminatorTraverser | |
CInformationCollector | |
CVariableAccessedTraverser | |
►Nelimination_actions | |
CAutomaticAction | |
CEliminateAction | |
CEliminateAutomaticallyAction | |
CFinishAction | |
CRebuildWithoutUnreachableAction | |
CUnfoldAction | |
►CUnfoldDependencyGraph | |
CVariableGroup | |
CVariableInfo | |
CAction | |
CArrayEliminator | |
►CArrayEliminatorData | |
CReplacement | |
CArrayType | |
CAssignment | |
CAssignmentLevelFinder | |
CAssignmentLevelToLevelComparator | |
CAssignmentPartialOrderByLevelAndLValue | This functor enables ordering the assignments first by the assignment level and then by lValue |
►CAssignmentsFinder | |
CResultType | |
CAutomaton | |
CAutomatonComposition | |
CBasicType | |
CBoundedType | |
CClockType | |
CComposition | |
CCompositionInformation | |
CCompositionInformationVisitor | |
CCompositionJsonExporter | |
CCompositionSimplificationVisitor | |
CCompositionVisitor | |
CConditionalMetaEdge | |
CConstant | |
CConstJaniTraverser | |
CContinuousType | |
CEdge | |
CEdgeContainer | |
CEdgeDestination | |
CExpressionToJson | |
CFilterExpression | |
CFormulaToJaniJson | |
CFunctionDefinition | |
CInformationObject | |
►CJaniLocalEliminator | |
CAction | |
CEliminationScheduler | |
CSession | |
►CJaniLocationExpander | |
CNewIndices | |
CReturnType | |
CJaniScopeChanger | |
CJaniTraverser | |
CJaniType | |
CJsonExporter | |
CLocation | Jani Location: |
CLValue | |
CModel | |
CModelFeatures | |
COrderedAssignments | |
CParallelComposition | |
CProperty | |
CPropertyInterval | Property intervals as per Jani Specification |
CRewardModelInformation | |
CSynchronizationVector | |
CSynchronizationVectorLexicographicalLess | |
CTemplateEdge | |
CTemplateEdgeContainer | |
CTemplateEdgeDestination | |
CVariable | |
CVariableSet | |
CVariablesToConstantsTransformer | |
►Nlogic | |
CAtomicExpressionFormula | |
CAtomicLabelFormula | |
CBinaryBooleanPathFormula | |
CBinaryBooleanStateFormula | |
CBinaryPathFormula | |
CBinaryStateFormula | |
CBooleanLiteralFormula | |
CBound | |
CBoundedUntilFormula | |
CCloneVisitor | |
CConditionalFormula | |
CCumulativeRewardFormula | |
CEventuallyFormula | |
CExpectedTimeToExpectedRewardVisitor | |
CExpressionSubstitutionVisitor | |
CExtractMaximalStateFormulasVisitor | |
CFormula | |
CFormulaInformation | |
CFormulaInformationVisitor | |
CFormulaVisitor | |
CFragmentChecker | |
CFragmentSpecification | |
CGameFormula | |
CGloballyFormula | |
CHOAPathFormula | |
CInheritedInformation | |
CInstantaneousRewardFormula | |
CLabelSubstitutionVisitor | |
CLiftableTransitionRewardsVisitor | |
CLongRunAverageOperatorFormula | |
CLongRunAverageRewardFormula | |
CMultiObjectiveFormula | |
CNextFormula | |
COperatorFormula | |
COperatorInformation | |
CPathFormula | |
CPlayerCoalition | |
CProbabilityOperatorFormula | |
CQuantileFormula | |
CRewardAccumulation | |
CRewardAccumulationEliminationVisitor | |
CRewardModelNameSubstitutionVisitor | |
CRewardOperatorFormula | |
CStateFormula | |
CTimeBound | |
CTimeBoundReference | |
CTimeOperatorFormula | |
CToExpressionVisitor | |
CToPrefixStringVisitor | |
CTotalRewardFormula | |
CUnaryBooleanPathFormula | |
CUnaryBooleanStateFormula | |
CUnaryPathFormula | |
CUnaryStateFormula | |
CUntilFormula | |
►Nmodelchecker | |
►Nexploration_detail | |
CBounds | |
CExplorationInformation | |
CStateGeneration | |
CStatistics | |
►Nhelper | |
►Ninternal | |
CLraViHelper | Helper class that performs iterations of the value iteration method |
CSparseLTLSchedulerHelper | Helper class for scheduler construction in LTL model checking |
►Nlexicographic | |
►Nspothelper | |
Cproduct_state_hash | |
ClexicographicModelCheckerHelper | |
►Nrewardbounded | |
CCostLimit | |
►CCostLimitClosure | |
CCostLimitsCompare | |
CDimension | |
CEpochManager | |
CEpochModel | |
CMemoryStateManager | |
CMultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding | |
CProductModel | |
CQuantileHelper | |
CBaierUpperRewardBoundsComputer | |
CDsMpiDtmcPriorityLess | |
CDsMpiDtmcUpperRewardBoundsComputer | |
CDsMpiMdpPriorityLess | |
CDsMpiMdpUpperRewardBoundsComputer | |
CHybridCtmcCslHelper | |
CHybridDtmcPrctlHelper | |
CHybridInfiniteHorizonHelper | Helper class for model checking queries that depend on the long run behavior of the (nondeterministic) system |
CHybridMarkovAutomatonCslHelper | |
CHybridMdpPrctlHelper | |
CMaybeStateResult | |
CMDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType | |
CModelCheckerHelper | Helper class for solving a model checking query |
CQualitativeStateSetsReachabilityRewards | |
CQualitativeStateSetsUntilProbabilities | |
CSingleValueModelCheckerHelper | Helper for model checking queries where we are interested in (optimizing) a single value per state |
CSolverRequirementsData | |
CSparseCtmcCslHelper | |
CSparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper | Helper class for model checking queries that depend on the long run behavior of the (nondeterministic) system |
CSparseDeterministicStepBoundedHorizonHelper | |
CSparseDeterministicVisitingTimesHelper | Helper class for computing for each state the expected number of times to visit that state assuming a given initial distribution |
CSparseDtmcPrctlHelper | |
CSparseInfiniteHorizonHelper | Helper class for model checking queries that depend on the long run behavior of the (nondeterministic) system |
CSparseLTLHelper | Helper class for LTL model checking |
CSparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper | |
CSparseMdpEndComponentInformation | |
CSparseMdpHintType | |
CSparseMdpPrctlHelper | |
CSparseNondeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper | Helper class for model checking queries that depend on the long run behavior of the (nondeterministic) system |
CSparseNondeterministicStepBoundedHorizonHelper | |
CSymbolicDtmcPrctlHelper | |
CSymbolicMdpPrctlHelper | |
CUnifPlusHelper | |
►Nmultiobjective | |
►Npreprocessing | |
CSparseMultiObjectivePreprocessor | |
CSparseMultiObjectivePreprocessorResult | |
►CSparseMultiObjectiveRewardAnalysis | |
CReturnType | |
CDeterministicSchedsAchievabilityChecker | |
CDeterministicSchedsLpChecker | Represents the LP Encoding for achievability under simple strategies |
CDeterministicSchedsObjectiveHelper | |
►CDeterministicSchedsParetoExplorer | Implements the exploration of the Pareto front |
CFacet | |
CPoint | |
CPointset | |
CObjective | |
CPcaaWeightVectorChecker | Helper Class that takes a weight vector and .. |
CRewardBoundedMdpPcaaWeightVectorChecker | Helper Class that takes preprocessed Pcaa data and a weight vector and .. |
CSparseCbAchievabilityQuery | |
CSparseCbQuery | |
CSparsePcaaAchievabilityQuery | |
CSparsePcaaParetoQuery | |
CSparsePcaaQuantitativeQuery | |
►CSparsePcaaQuery | |
CRefinementStep | |
CStandardMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker | Helper Class that takes preprocessed Pcaa data and a weight vector and .. |
CStandardMdpPcaaWeightVectorChecker | Helper Class that takes preprocessed Pcaa data and a weight vector and .. |
►CStandardPcaaWeightVectorChecker | Helper Class that takes preprocessed Pcaa data and a weight vector and .. |
CEcQuotient | |
CLraMecDecomposition | |
CVisitingTimesHelper | Provides helper functions for computing bounds on the expected visiting times |
CWeightVectorCheckerFactory | |
►Nregion | |
CSparseDtmcRegionModelChecker | |
CAbstractModelChecker | |
CCheckResult | |
CCheckTask | |
CExplicitModelCheckerHint | This class contains information that might accelerate the model checking process |
CExplicitParetoCurveCheckResult | |
CExplicitQualitativeCheckResult | |
CExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult | |
CHybridCtmcCslModelChecker | |
CHybridDtmcPrctlModelChecker | |
CHybridMarkovAutomatonCslModelChecker | |
CHybridMdpPrctlModelChecker | |
CHybridQuantitativeCheckResult | |
CLexicographicCheckResult | |
CModelCheckerHint | This class contains information that might accelerate the model checking process |
CParetoCurveCheckResult | |
CQualitativeCheckResult | |
CQuantitativeCheckResult | |
CRegionBound | |
CRegionCheckResult | |
CRegionModelChecker | |
CRegionRefinementCheckResult | |
CSparseCtmcCslModelChecker | |
CSparseCtmcInstantiationModelChecker | Class to efficiently check a formula on a parametric model with different parameter instantiations |
CSparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker | |
CSparseDtmcInstantiationModelChecker | Class to efficiently check a formula on a parametric model with different parameter instantiations |
CSparseDtmcParameterLiftingModelChecker | |
CSparseDtmcPrctlModelChecker | |
CSparseExplorationModelChecker | |
CSparseInstantiationModelChecker | Class to efficiently check a formula on a parametric model with different parameter instantiations |
CSparseMarkovAutomatonCslModelChecker | |
CSparseMdpInstantiationModelChecker | Class to efficiently check a formula on a parametric model with different parameter instantiations |
CSparseMdpParameterLiftingModelChecker | |
CSparseMdpPrctlModelChecker | |
CSparseParameterLiftingModelChecker | Class to approximatively check a formula on a parametric model for all parameter valuations within a region It is assumed that all considered valuations are graph-preserving and well defined, i.e., |
CSparsePropositionalModelChecker | |
CSparseSmgRpatlModelChecker | |
CSymbolicDtmcPrctlModelChecker | |
CSymbolicMdpPrctlModelChecker | |
CSymbolicParetoCurveCheckResult | |
CSymbolicPropositionalModelChecker | |
CSymbolicQualitativeCheckResult | |
CSymbolicQuantitativeCheckResult | |
CValidatingSparseDtmcParameterLiftingModelChecker | |
CValidatingSparseMdpParameterLiftingModelChecker | |
CValidatingSparseParameterLiftingModelChecker | |
►Nmodels | |
►Nsparse | |
CChoiceLabeling | This class manages the labeling of the choice space with a number of (atomic) labels |
CCtmc | This class represents a continuous-time Markov chain |
CDeterministicModel | The base class of all sparse deterministic models |
CDtmc | This class represents a discrete-time Markov chain |
CItemLabeling | A base class managing the labeling of items with a number of (atomic) labels |
CMarkovAutomaton | This class represents a Markov automaton |
CMdp | This class represents a (discrete-time) Markov decision process |
CModel | Base class for all sparse models |
CNondeterministicModel | The base class of sparse nondeterministic models |
CPomdp | This class represents a partially observable Markov decision process |
CSmg | This class represents a stochastic multiplayer game |
CStandardRewardModel | |
CStateAnnotation | |
CStateLabeling | This class manages the labeling of the state space with a number of (atomic) labels |
CStochasticTwoPlayerGame | This class represents a (discrete-time) stochastic two-player game |
►Nsymbolic | |
CCtmc | This class represents a continuous-time Markov chain |
CDeterministicModel | Base class for all deterministic symbolic models |
CDtmc | This class represents a discrete-time Markov chain |
CMarkovAutomaton | This class represents a discrete-time Markov decision process |
CMdp | This class represents a discrete-time Markov decision process |
CModel | Base class for all symbolic models |
CNondeterministicModel | Base class for all nondeterministic symbolic models |
CStandardRewardModel | |
CStochasticTwoPlayerGame | This class represents a discrete-time stochastic two-player game |
CGetDdType | |
CGetDdType< ModelRepresentation::DdCudd > | |
CGetDdType< ModelRepresentation::DdSylvan > | |
CGetDdType< ModelRepresentation::Sparse > | |
CGetModelRepresentation | |
CGetModelRepresentation< storm::dd::DdType::CUDD > | |
CGetModelRepresentation< storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan > | |
CModel | |
CModelBase | |
►Npars | |
CFeasibilitySynthesisTask | |
CPreprocessResult | |
CSampleInformation | |
►Nparser | Contains all file parsers and helper classes |
CAtomicPropositionLabelingParser | This class can be used to parse a labeling file |
CAutoParser | This class automatically chooses the correct parser for the given files and returns the corresponding model |
CDeterministicModelParser | Loads a deterministic model (Dtmc or Ctmc) from files |
►CDeterministicSparseTransitionParser | This class can be used to parse a file containing either transitions or transition rewards of a deterministic model |
CFirstPassResult | A structure representing the result of the first pass of this parser |
CDirectEncodingParser | Parser for models in the DRN format with explicit encoding |
CDirectEncodingParserOptions | |
CExpressionCreator | |
CExpressionParser | |
CFormulaParser | |
CFormulaParserGrammar | |
CGlobalProgramInformation | |
CGspnParser | |
CImcaMarkovAutomatonParser | |
CImcaParserGrammar | |
►CJaniParser | |
CScope | |
CMappedFile | Opens a file and maps it to memory providing a char* containing the file content |
CMarkovAutomatonParser | Loads a labeled Markov automaton from files |
►CMarkovAutomatonSparseTransitionParser | A class providing the functionality to parse the transitions of a Markov automaton |
CFirstPassResult | A structure representing the result of the first pass of this parser |
CResult | A structure representing the result of the parser |
CMonotonicityParser | |
CNondeterministicModelParser | Loads a nondeterministic model (Mdp or Ctmdp) from files |
►CNondeterministicSparseTransitionParser | A class providing the functionality to parse the transitions of a nondeterministic model |
CFirstPassResult | A structure representing the result of the first pass of this parser |
CParameterRegionParser | |
CPrismParser | |
CPrismParserGrammar | |
CRationalPolicies | |
CSparseChoiceLabelingParser | A class providing the functionality to parse a choice labeling |
CSparseItemLabelingParser | This class can be used to parse a labeling file |
CSparseStateRewardParser | A class providing the functionality to parse a the state rewards of a model |
CSpiritErrorHandler | |
CValueParser | Parser for values according to their ValueType |
►Npomdp | |
►Nanalysis | |
►CFormulaInformation | |
CStateSet | Characterizes a certain set of states |
►Nmodelchecker | |
►CBeliefExplorationPomdpModelChecker | Model checker for checking reachability queries on POMDPs using approximations based on exploration of the belief MDP |
CResult | Struct used to store the results of the model checker |
CBeliefExplorationPomdpModelCheckerOptions | |
CPOMDPValueBounds | Structure for storing values on the POMDP used for cut-offs and clipping |
CPreprocessingPomdpValueBoundsModelChecker | |
►Nqualitative | |
►Ndetail | |
CObsActPair | |
CJaniBeliefSupportMdpGenerator | |
►Nstorage | |
CExtremePOMDPValueBound | Struct to store the extreme bound values needed for the reward correction values when clipping is used |
CPreprocessingPomdpValueBounds | Struct for storing precomputed values bounding the actual values on the POMDP |
►Ntransformer | |
CKnownProbabilityTransformer | |
CInternalObservationScheduler | |
►CIterativePolicySearch | |
CStatistics | |
CMemlessSearchOptions | |
CObservationTraceUnfolder | Observation-trace unrolling to allow model checking for monitoring |
COneShotPolicySearch | |
CWinningRegion | |
CWinningRegionQueryInterface | |
►Nprism | |
CAssignment | |
CBooleanVariable | |
CClockVariable | |
CCommand | |
CComposition | |
CCompositionToJaniVisitor | |
CCompositionValidityChecker | |
CCompositionVisitor | |
CConstant | |
CFormula | |
CHidingComposition | |
CInitialConstruct | |
CIntegerVariable | |
CInterleavingParallelComposition | |
CLabel | |
CLocatedInformation | |
CModule | |
CModuleComposition | |
CModuleRenaming | |
CObservationLabel | |
COverlappingGuardAnalyser | |
CParallelComposition | |
CPlayer | |
CProgram | |
CRenamingComposition | |
CRestrictedParallelComposition | |
CRewardModel | |
CStateActionReward | |
CStateReward | |
CSynchronizingParallelComposition | |
CSystemCompositionConstruct | |
CToJaniConverter | |
CTransitionReward | |
CUpdate | |
CVariable | |
►Nps | |
CMilpPermissiveSchedulerComputation | |
CPermissiveScheduler | |
CPermissiveSchedulerComputation | |
CPermissiveSchedulerPenalties | |
CSmtPermissiveSchedulerComputation | |
CSubMDPPermissiveScheduler | |
►Nsettings | |
►Nmodules | |
CAbstractionSettings | This class represents the settings for the abstraction procedures |
CBeliefExplorationSettings | This class represents the settings for POMDP model checking |
CBisimulationSettings | This class represents the bisimulation settings |
CBuildSettings | |
CConversionGeneralSettings | |
CConversionInputSettings | |
CConversionOutputSettings | |
CCoreSettings | This class represents the core settings |
CCounterexampleGeneratorSettings | This class represents the settings for counterexample generation |
CCuddSettings | This class represents the settings for CUDD |
CDebugSettings | This class represents the debug settings |
CDerivativeSettings | This class represents the settings for Gradient Descent |
CEigenEquationSolverSettings | This class represents the settings for Eigen |
CEliminationSettings | This class represents the settings for the elimination-based procedures |
CExplorationSettings | This class represents the exploration settings |
CFeasibilitySettings | This class represents the settings for parametric model checking |
CGameSolverSettings | This class represents the game solver settings |
CGeneralSettings | This class represents the general settings |
CGlpkSettings | This class represents the settings for glpk |
CGmmxxEquationSolverSettings | This class represents the settings for gmm++ |
CGSPNExportSettings | |
CGSPNSettings | |
CGurobiSettings | This class represents the settings for Gurobi |
CHintSettings | This class represents the model transformer settings |
CIOSettings | This class represents the markov chain settings |
CJaniExportSettings | |
CLongRunAverageSolverSettings | This class represents the LRA solver settings |
CMinMaxEquationSolverSettings | This class represents the min/max solver settings |
CModelCheckerSettings | This class represents the general settings |
CModuleSettings | This is the base class of the settings for a particular module |
CMonotonicitySettings | This class represents the settings for monotonicity checking |
CMultiObjectiveSettings | This class represents the settings for multi-objective model checking |
CMultiplierSettings | This class represents the multiplier settings |
CNativeEquationSolverSettings | This class represents the settings for the native equation solver |
COviSolverSettings | This class represents the settings for the optimistic value iteration solver |
CParametricSettings | This class represents the settings for parametric model checking |
CPartitionSettings | This class represents the settings for parametric model checking |
CPOMDPSettings | This class represents the settings for POMDP model checking |
CPrismExportSettings | |
CQualitativePOMDPAnalysisSettings | This class represents the settings for POMDP model checking |
CRegionSettings | This class represents the settings for parametric model checking |
CRegionVerificationSettings | |
CResourceSettings | This class represents the resource settings |
CSamplingSettings | |
CSmt2SmtSolverSettings | This class represents the settings for interaction with SMT-LIBv2 solvers |
CSylvanSettings | This class represents the settings for Sylvan |
CTimeBoundedSolverSettings | This class represents the min/max solver settings |
CToParametricSettings | This class represents the settings for POMDP model checking |
CTopologicalEquationSolverSettings | This class represents the settings for the native equation solver |
CTransformationSettings | This class represents the model transformer settings |
CArgument | This class subclasses the argument base to actually implement the pure virtual functions |
CArgumentBase | This class serves as the (untemplated) base class of argument classes |
CArgumentBuilder | This class serves as an API for creating arguments |
CArgumentValidator | |
CArgumentValidatorFactory | |
CFileValidator | |
CMultipleChoiceValidator | |
COption | This class represents one command-line option |
COptionBuilder | This class provides the interface to create an option.. |
CRangeArgumentValidator | |
CSettingMemento | This class is used to reset the state of an option that was temporarily set to a different status |
CSettingsManager | Provides the central API for the registration of command line options and parsing the options from the command line |
►Nsimulator | |
CDiscreteTimePrismProgramSimulator | This class provides a simulator interface on the prism program, and uses the next state generator |
CDiscreteTimeSparseModelSimulator | This class is a low-level interface to quickly sample from Discrete-Time Models stored explicitly as a SparseModel |
►Nsolver | |
►Nhelper | |
CGSVIBackend | |
CIIBackend | |
CIIData | |
CIntervalIterationHelper | Implements interval iteration |
COptimisticValueIterationHelper | Implements Optimistic value iteration |
COVIBackend | |
CRationalSearchHelper | Implements rational search |
CRSBackend | |
CSchedulerTrackingBackend | |
CSchedulerTrackingHelper | Helper class to extract optimal scheduler choices from a MinMax equation system solution |
►CSoundValueIterationHelper | Implements sound value iteration |
CSVIData | |
CSVIBackend | |
CValueIterationHelper | |
CValueIterationOperator | This class represents the Value Iteration Operator (also known as Bellman operator) |
CVIOperatorBackend | |
►Nstateelimination | |
CConditionalStateEliminator | |
CDynamicStatePriorityQueue | |
CEliminatorBase | |
CEquationSystemEliminator | |
CMultiValueStateEliminator | |
CNondeterministicModelStateEliminator | |
CPrioritizedStateEliminator | |
CPriorityComparator | |
CStateEliminator | |
CStatePriorityQueue | |
CStaticStatePriorityQueue | |
CAbstractEquationSolver | |
CAcyclicLinearEquationSolver | This solver can be used on equation systems that are known to be acyclic |
CAcyclicMinMaxLinearEquationSolver | This solver can be used on equation systems that are known to be acyclic |
CEigenLinearEquationSolver | A class that uses the Eigen library to implement the LinearEquationSolver interface |
CEigenLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CEliminationLinearEquationSolver | A class that uses gaussian elimination to implement the LinearEquationSolver interface |
CEliminationLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CGameSolver | A class representing the interface that all game solvers shall implement |
CGameSolverFactory | |
CGeneralLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CGeneralMinMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CGeneralSymbolicLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CGeneralSymbolicMinMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CGlpkLpSolver | |
CGmmxxLinearEquationSolver | A class that uses the gmm++ library to implement the LinearEquationSolver interface |
CGmmxxLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CGmmxxMultiplier | |
CGurobiEnvironment | |
CGurobiLpSolver | A class that implements the LpSolver interface using Gurobi |
CIterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver | |
CLinearEquationSolver | An interface that represents an abstract linear equation solver |
CLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CLinearEquationSolverRequirements | |
CLpMinMaxLinearEquationSolver | Solves a MinMaxLinearEquationSystem using a linear programming solver |
CLpSolver | An interface that captures the functionality of an LP solver |
►CMathsatSmtSolver | |
COptions | A class that captures options that may be passed to the Mathsat solver |
CMinMaxLinearEquationSolver | A class representing the interface that all min-max linear equation solvers shall implement |
CMinMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CMinMaxLinearEquationSolverRequirements | |
CMultiplier | |
CMultiplierFactory | |
CNativeLinearEquationSolver | A class that uses storm's native matrix operations to implement the LinearEquationSolver interface |
CNativeLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CNativeMultiplier | |
CNoTerminationCondition | |
CRawLpConstraint | |
►CSmtlibSmtSolver | This class represents an SMT-LIBv2 conforming solver |
CSmtlibModelReference | |
►CSmtSolver | An interface that captures the functionality of an SMT solver |
CModelReference | The base class for all model references |
CSolveGoal | |
CSolverRequirement | |
CSoplexLpSolver | |
CStandardGameSolver | |
CStandardMinMaxLinearEquationSolver | |
CSymbolicEliminationLinearEquationSolver | |
CSymbolicEliminationLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CSymbolicEquationSolver | |
CSymbolicGameSolver | An interface that represents an abstract symbolic game solver |
CSymbolicGameSolverFactory | |
CSymbolicLinearEquationSolver | An interface that represents an abstract symbolic linear equation solver |
CSymbolicLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CSymbolicMinMaxLinearEquationSolver | An interface that represents an abstract symbolic linear equation solver |
CSymbolicMinMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CSymbolicNativeLinearEquationSolver | An interface that represents an abstract symbolic linear equation solver |
CSymbolicNativeLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CTerminateIfFilteredExtremumBelowThreshold | |
CTerminateIfFilteredExtremumExceedsThreshold | |
CTerminateIfFilteredSumExceedsThreshold | |
CTerminationCondition | |
CTopologicalLinearEquationSolver | |
CTopologicalLinearEquationSolverFactory | |
CTopologicalMinMaxLinearEquationSolver | |
CZ3LpSolver | A class that implements the LpSolver interface using Z3 |
►CZ3SmtSolver | |
CZ3ModelReference | |
►Nstorage | |
►Nbisimulation | |
CBlock | |
CDeterministicBlockData | |
CPartition | |
►Ngeometry | |
CHalfspace | |
CHyperplaneCollector | This class can be used to collect a set of hyperplanes (without duplicates) |
CHyperplaneEnumeration | |
CHyperrectangle | |
CNativePolytope | |
CPolytope | |
CPolytopeTree | Represents a set of points in Euclidean space |
CQuickHull | |
CReduceVertexCloud | |
CSubsetEnumerator | This class can be used to enumerate all k-sized subsets of {0,...,n-1} |
►Nsparse | |
CChoiceOrigins | This class represents the origin of the choices of a model in terms of the input model specification (e.g., the Prism commands that induced the choice) |
CJaniChoiceOrigins | This class represents for each choice the origin in the jani specification // TODO complete this |
CModelComponents | |
CPrismChoiceOrigins | This class represents for each choice the set of prism commands that induced the choice |
CStateStorage | |
►CStateValuations | |
CStateValuation | |
CStateValueIterator | |
CStateValueIteratorRange | |
CStateValuationsBuilder | |
►CBeliefManager | |
CBeliefClipping | |
CTriangulation | |
►CBisimulationDecomposition | This class is the superclass of all decompositions of a sparse model into its bisimulation quotient |
COptions | |
►CBitVector | A bit vector that is internally represented as a vector of 64-bit values |
Cconst_iterator | A class that enables iterating over the indices of the bit vector whose corresponding bits are set to true |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | A class that enables iterating over the indices of the bit vector whose corresponding bits are set to true |
►CBitVectorHashMap | This class represents a hash-map whose keys are bit vectors |
CBitVectorHashMapIterator | |
CConsecutiveUint64DynamicPriorityQueue | |
CDecomposition | This class represents the decomposition of a model into blocks which are of the template type |
CDeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition | This class represents the decomposition of a deterministic model into its bisimulation quotient |
CDeterministicTransition | |
CDFT | |
CDistribution | |
CDistributionWithReward | |
CDynamicPriorityQueue | |
CExplicitGameStrategy | |
CExplicitGameStrategyPair | |
CFlexibleSparseMatrix | The flexible sparse matrix is used during state elimination |
CFNV1aBitVectorHash | |
CIntegerInterval | |
CMatrixEntry | |
CMaximalEndComponent | This class represents a maximal end-component of a nondeterministic model |
CMaximalEndComponentDecomposition | This class represents the decomposition of a nondeterministic model into its maximal end components |
CMemoryStructure | This class represents a (deterministic) memory structure that can be used to encode certain events (such as reaching a set of goal states) into the state space of the model |
CMemoryStructureBuilder | |
CModelFormulasPair | |
CMurmur3BitVectorHash | |
CNondeterministicMemoryStructure | |
CNondeterministicMemoryStructureBuilder | |
CNondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition | This class represents the decomposition of a nondeterministic model into its bisimulation quotient |
CParameterRegion | |
CPomdpMemory | |
CPomdpMemoryBuilder | |
CQvbsBenchmark | This class provides easy access to a benchmark of the Quantitative Verification Benchmark Set http://qcomp.org/benchmarks/ |
CSccDecompositionMemoryCache | Holds temporary computation data used during the SCC decomposition algorithm |
CSccDecompositionResult | Holds the result data of the implemented SCC decomposition algorithm |
CScheduler | This class defines which action is chosen in a particular state of a non-deterministic model |
CSchedulerChoice | |
CSchedulerClass | |
►CSparseMatrix | A class that holds a possibly non-square matrix in the compressed row storage format |
Cconst_rows | This class represents a number of consecutive rows of the matrix |
Crows | This class represents a number of consecutive rows of the matrix |
CSparseMatrixBuilder | A class that can be used to build a sparse matrix by adding value by value |
CSparseModelMemoryProduct | This class builds the product of the given sparse model and the given memory structure |
CSparseModelNondeterministicMemoryProduct | |
CStateActionPair | |
CStateActionTarget | |
CStateBlock | |
CStronglyConnectedComponent | This class represents a strongly connected component, i.e., a set of states such that every state can reach every other state |
CStronglyConnectedComponentDecomposition | This class represents the decomposition of a graph-like structure into its strongly connected components |
CStronglyConnectedComponentDecompositionOptions | |
CSymbolicModelDescription | |
►Ntransformer | |
►Ndetail | |
CActionIdentifier | |
CChoiceLabelIdStorage | |
CAddUncertainty | This class is a convenience transformer to add uncertainty |
CApplyFiniteSchedulerToPomdp | |
CBinaryDtmcTransformer | |
CBinaryPomdpTransformer | |
CBinaryPomdpTransformerRowGroup | |
CBinaryPomdpTransformerRowGroupCompare | |
CChoiceSelector | |
CContinuousToDiscreteTimeModelTransformer | |
CDAProduct | |
CDAProductBuilder | |
►CEndComponentEliminator | |
CEndComponentEliminatorReturnType | |
CGlobalPomdpMecChoiceEliminator | |
CGlobalPOMDPSelfLoopEliminator | |
►CGoalStateMerger | |
CReturnType | |
CLabelInformation | |
CMakePOMDPCanonic | |
CMakeStateSetObservationClosed | |
CMemoryIncorporation | Incorporates Memory into the state space of the given model, that is the resulting model is the crossproduct of of the given model plus some type of memory structure |
CNonMarkovianChainTransformer | Transformer for eliminating chains of non-Markovian states (instantaneous path fragment leading to the same outcome) from Markov automata |
►CParameterLifter | This class lifts parameter choices to nondeterminism: For each row in the given matrix that considerd #par parameters, the resulting matrix will have one row group consisting of 2^#par rows |
CAbstractValuation | |
CPomdpMemoryUnfolder | |
CPomdpTransformationResult | |
CProduct | |
CProductBuilder | |
CRationalFunctionConstructor | |
CSparseParametricDtmcSimplifier | This class performs different steps to simplify the given (parametric) model |
CSparseParametricMdpSimplifier | This class performs different steps to simplify the given (parametric) model |
CSparseParametricModelSimplifier | This class performs different steps to simplify the given (parametric) model |
CStateWithRow | |
CSubsystemBuilderOptions | |
CSubsystemBuilderReturnType | |
CSymbolicCtmcToSparseCtmcTransformer | |
CSymbolicDtmcToSparseDtmcTransformer | |
CSymbolicMaToSparseMaTransformer | |
CSymbolicMdpToSparseMdpTransformer | |
CTimeTravelling | |
►Nutility | |
►Ndetail | |
CDoubleGreater | |
CDoubleLess | |
CElementGreater | |
CElementGreater< double > | |
CElementLess | |
CElementLess< double > | |
►Ngraph | |
CExplicitGameProb01Result | |
CSymbolicGameProb01Result | |
►Nksp | |
CPath | |
CShortestPathsGenerator | |
►Nnumerical | |
CFoxGlynnResult | |
►Nparametric | |
CCoefficientType | Acess the type of coefficients from a given function type |
CVariableType | Access the type of variables from a given function type |
►Npfinternal | |
CFeatures | |
►Nresources | |
CSignalInformation | |
►Nsolver | |
CGlpkLpSolverFactory | |
CGurobiLpSolverFactory | |
CLpSolverFactory | |
CMathsatSmtSolverFactory | |
CSmtSolverFactory | |
CSoplexLpSolverFactory | |
CZ3LpSolverFactory | |
CZ3SmtSolverFactory | |
►Nstring | |
CSimilarStrings | |
►Nvector | |
CVectorHash | |
CAutomaticSettings | |
CBernoulliDistributionGenerator | |
CConstantsComparator | |
CConstantsComparator< ValueType, ConstantsComparatorEnablePrecision< ValueType > > | |
CExponentialDistributionGenerator | |
CExtremum | Stores and manages an extremal (maximal or minimal) value |
CFilteredRewardModel | |
CHash | |
CModelInstantiator | This class allows efficient instantiation of the given parametric model |
CProgressMeasurement | A class that provides convenience operations to display run times |
CRandomProbabilityGenerator | |
CRandomProbabilityGenerator< double > | |
CRandomProbabilityGenerator< storm::RationalNumber > | |
CStopwatch | A class that provides convenience operations to display run times |
CVectorHelper | |
CEigenSolverEnvironment | |
CEnvironment | |
CGameSolverEnvironment | |
CGmmxxSolverEnvironment | |
CInternalEnvironment | |
CLongRunAverageSolverEnvironment | |
CMinMaxLpSolverEnvironment | |
CMinMaxSolverEnvironment | |
CModelCheckerEnvironment | |
CMultiObjectiveModelCheckerEnvironment | |
CMultiplierEnvironment | |
CNativeSolverEnvironment | |
CNullRefType | Auxiliary struct used to identify OptionalRefs that do not contain a reference |
CNumberTraits | |
CNumberTraits< double > | |
CNumberTraits< storm::RationalFunction > | |
COptionalRef | Helper class that optionally holds a reference to an object of type T |
COviSolverEnvironment | |
CSolverEnvironment | |
CStormVersion | |
CSubEnvironment | |
CTimeBoundedSolverEnvironment | |
CTopologicalSolverEnvironment | |
CAssumptionCheckerTest | |
CAssumptionMakerTest | |
►CBeliefExplorationAPITest | |
CInput | |
CBinaryDtmcTransformer | |
CCudd | |
CDd | |
CDdPrismModelBuilderTest | |
CDefaultDoubleVIEnvironment | |
CExplicitPrismModelBuilderTest | |
CFullySymbolicGameSolverTest | |
CGameBasedDtmcModelCheckerTest | |
CGameBasedMdpModelCheckerTest | |
CGraphTestAR | |
CGraphTestExplicit | |
CGraphTestSymbolic | |
CJaniLocalElimination | |
CKSPTest | |
CMonotonicityCheckerTest | |
CMonotonicityHelperTest | |
COrderExtenderTest | |
CPrismMenuGame | |
CQualitativeAnalysis | |
CSparseDtmcMultiDimensionalRewardUnfoldingTest | |
CSparseExplorationModelCheckerTest | |
CSparseMaCbMultiObjectiveModelCheckerTest | |
CSparseMdpCbMultiObjectiveModelCheckerTest | |
CSparseMdpMultiDimensionalRewardUnfoldingTest | |
CSylvan | |
CSylvanDd | |
CSymbolicModelBisimulationDecomposition | |
CTimeTravelling | |